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Retour à la Catégorie: Lexique Sciences Physiques

  • Accélération: Acceleration (Increase of speed or velocity)
  • Accélérer: To accelerate (To increase the speed of. To move or act faster)
  • Acquérir de l'énergie: To gain energy (An increase in energy as a result of physical or chemical change)
  • action réciproque: reciprocal action (A relation of mutual dependence)
  • Agir: To act (The process of doing)
  • Agir (sur): To act on. (To have an effect on)
  • altitude: altitude (The height of a thing above a reference level, especially above sea level or above the earth's surface)
  • astéroïde: minor planet (asteroid) (Small celestial body that moves around a sun )
  • astronaute: astronaut (A person trained to travel in a spacecraft)
  • astronome: astronomer (A physicist who studies astronomy)
  • attirer: to attract (To cause to draw near or adhere by physical force)
  • Augmentation (de): Increase (in) (Greater or larger)
  • Augmenter: To increase. (To become greater or larger)
  • balance: scale (A system of ordered marks at fixed intervals used as a reference standard in measurement)
  • Barrage: Weir (A low dam built across a stream to raise its level or divert its flow)
  • Centre de gravité: Centre of gravity (Point through which the Earth's gravitational force acts on the object. )
  • Centre de masse: Centre of mass (The point at which the mass of a system could be concentrated without affecting the behaviour of the system under the action of external linear forces)
  • champ de gravitation: gravitational field ("The field of force surrounding a body of finite mass in which another body would experience an attractive force that is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them


  • chute: fall (To drop or come down freely under the influence of gravity)
  • Chute d'eau: Waterfall (A steep descent of water from a height; a cascade)
  • chute libre: freefall (The fall of a body within the atmosphere without a drag-producing device such as a parachute)
  • Cinématique: Kinematics (Study of the motion of points.)
  • comète: comet (A relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit)
  • Composante d'une force: Component of a force. (One of a number of forces into which a single force may be resolved)
  • Conversion d'énergie: Energy conversion. (Changing energy from one form to another)
  • cratère: crater (A bowl-shaped depression formed by the impact of a meteorite)
  • Dangers de la vitesse: Dangers of speed. (The risks involved when something moves or travels at a fast rate)
  • Dépendre de : To depend on. (To rely upon, to be sure of)
  • Diminuer: To decrease. (To reduce in size, number, speed, etc)
  • Diminution (de): Decrease (in) (A reduction)
  • distance d'arrêt: stopping distance (The distance required for a vehicle moving at a specified velocity to come to a complete stop after its brakes have been activated)
  • distance de freinage: braking distance (The distance required for a vehicle moving at a specified velocity to come to a complete stop after its brakes have been activated)
  • Distance de freinage: Braking distance (The distance required for a vehicle moving at a specified velocity to come to a complete stop after its brakes have been activated)
  • distance de réaction: reaction distance (The distance a moving vehicle travels between the time the driver perceives a hazard and the time the body initiates a responsive action)
  • Dynamique: Dynamics (Study of the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it.)
  • dynamomètre: dynamometer (Any of several instruments used to measure mechanical power)
  • Dynamomètre: Dynamometer (Device which is used to measure a force.)
  • En fonction de: According to (In relation to)
  • Energie: Energy (Usable heat or power. The SI unit is the joule.)
  • Energie cinétique: Kinetic energy (The energy of motion of a body, equal to the work it would do if it were brought to rest)
  • énergie cinétique: kinetic energy (The energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object, particle, or set of particles)
  • énergie de position: energy of position (Potential energy, which is stored energy, or the energy of position)
  • Energie mécanique: Mechanical energy (Power that is produced by some force of motion, such as water power, wind power, gas power, or human power)
  • énergie mécanique: mechanical energy (Power that is produced by some force of motion, such as water power, wind power, gas power, or human power)
  • Energie potentielle: Potential energy (The mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its position; stored energy)
  • énergie thermique: heat energy (A form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature )
  • Equation: Equation (A mathematical statement that two expressions are equal)
  • Etoile: Star (Any of the luminous celestial objects seen as points of light in the sky)
  • Etre en orbite autour de : To be in orbit around (The curved path, usually elliptical, described by a planet, satellite, spaceship, etc., around a celestial body)
  • Etre proportionnel à: To be proportional to (Properly related in size, degree, or other measurable characteristics. Increasing or decreasing together, and with a constant ratio)
  • Exprimer (une force): To express (a force) (To produce an effect)
  • Force: Force (The capacity to do work or cause physical change; energy, strength, or active power)
  • Force exercée par A sur B: Force exerted by A on B. (A exerts a force upon B)
  • Force gravitationnelle: Gravitational force or gravity (Force of attraction between any two objects which have mass. This force acts between all objects in the Universe. It depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them.)
  • Force gravitationnelle terrestre: Earth's gravitational force (The natural force of attraction exerted by the Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward its centre.)
  • Formule: Formula (A general relationship, principle or rule stated, often as an equation, in the form of symbols)
  • freinage: braking (A brake is a device that decelerates a moving object such as a machine or vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into another form of energy)
  • fronde: catapult (A machine that stores energy then quickly releases this energy to fire a projectile)
  • Fusée: Rocket (A vehicle propelled by a rocket, or a self-propelling engine device)
  • Galaxie: Galaxy (A star system held together by gravitational attraction in a spiral or elliptical form)
  • Graphique: Graph (A drawing depicting the relationship between a series of numbers or quantities by means of a series of lines, dots, points, etc,)
  • gravitation: gravitation (To move in response to the force of gravity)
  • gravitation universelle: universal gravitation (Two bodies attract each other with equal and opposite forces; the magnitude of this force is proportional to the product of the two masses and is also proportional to the inverse square of the distance between the centres of mass of the two bodies)
  • gravité: gravity (The force of attraction between all masses in the universe)
  • Graviter autour de la Terre: To revolve around the Earth or to orbit the Earth. (To travel around the Earth under the influence of gravitation)
  • Graviter autour du soleil: To revolve around the sun or to orbit the sun. (To travel around the Sun under the influence of its gravity)
  • Intensité de la pesanteur (g): Value of acceleration due to gravity (Acceleration produced by the gravitational force of attraction. Its value is the same for any mass at a given place. It is about 9,8 m.s-2 on the Earth's surface, and decreases above the surface.)
  • Interaction gravitationnelle: Gravitational interaction (See gravitational force.)
  • Intervalle de temps: Time interval (The period of time between two events)
  • Joule: Joule (The SI unit of electrical, mechanical, and thermal energy. One joule is the work done when a force of 1 newton acts through a distance of 1 metre. )
  • lancer de marteau: hammer throw (An athletic competition in which a heavy metal ball that is attached to a flexible wire is hurled as far as possible)
  • L'énergie de position est transformée en énergie cinétique quand l'eau tombe: Energy of position (potential energy) is transformed into kinetic energy when water falls ()
  • L'énergie mécanique se conserve.: The mechanical energy remains constant. (Mechanical energy is constant in a system that experiences no dissipative forces such as friction or air resistance)
  • Loi de conservation de l'énergie: Law of conservation of energy (The fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes)
  • marée: ocean tide (Periodic rise and fall of the ocean level induced by gravitational attraction between the earth and moon in combination with earth rotation)
  • masse: mass (The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field)
  • Mesurer: To measure (The act of determining the amount, extent, or quantity of something)
  • Module lunaire: Lunar module (A spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back)
  • Mouvement: Motion or movement. (Change in position and orientation of an object)
  • Mouvement: Motion (The process of continual change of position of an object; movement)
  • Mouvement de rotation: Rotational motion. (Movement around the centre of mass of the object.)
  • Mouvement de translation: Translation motion. (Movement of the centre of mass from one place to another)
  • Mouvement rectiligne: Rectilinear or linear motion. (Movement in a straight line.)
  • mutuellement: mutually (In a mutual or shared manner)
  • Newton: Newton (The SI unit of force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram one metre per second per second )
  • Orbite géostationnaire: Geo-stationary or parking orbit. (A geosynchronous orbit that is fixed with respect to a position on the Earth)
  • Pesanteur: Gravity (See value of acceleration due to gravity.)
  • phénomène: phenomenon (Any event, circumstance, or experience that is apparent to the senses and that can be scientifically described)
  • Planète: Planet (A celestial body that orbits around a sun)
  • poids: weight (The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity)
  • Poids d'un corps: Weight of an object (Gravitational force between an object and the Earth (or a planet), which pulls the object downwards. It depends on the distance from, and mass of the planet.The unit is the newton.)
  • Position d'un objet: Position of an object (The particular space occupied by something)
  • proportionnalité: proportionality (A ratio of two quantities that is constant)
  • Rapidement: Quickly (With rapid movement)
  • Relation entre poids et masse: Relation (or relationship) between weight and mass. (The weight W of an object is related to its mass m by the equation W = mg)
  • Satellite: Satellite (A celestial body that orbits around a sun or planet, or an artificial man-made orbiting device)
  • Sécurité routière: Road safety (Care on the road while travelling)
  • sécurité routière: road safety (Freedom from danger, risk, or injury on the road)
  • Solide: Rigid object / solid (A substance in a physical state where the molecules are in fixed positions and the substance resists change in shape and size)
  • Somme : Sum (The result of the addition of numbers, quantities, objects, etc)
  • Système solaire: Solar system (A sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field)
  • temps de réaction: reaction time ("The interval of time between application of a stimulus and detection of a response.")
  • Trajectoire: Trajectory (The path followed by an object moving through space)
  • Transformation d'énergie: Energy transformation. (Any process of transforming one form of energy to another. Energy of fossil fuels, solar radiation, or nuclear fuels can be converted into other energy forms such as electrical, propulsive, or heating that are more useful to us.)
  • Variable: Variable (A quantity or function which can assume a number of values)
  • Variations (de): Variations (of) (Something which deviates from a standard or norm)
  • Vecteur-vitesse: Velocity (A measure of the rate of motion of a body, or its change of position, The SI unit is metres per second, m/s.)
  • Vitesse: Speed (Distance, d, travelled per unit of time, t. The SI unit is m.s-1. )
  • vitesse : speed (Distance travelled per unit time)
  • Vitesse instantanée: Instantaneous speed (Speed at any given moment.)
  • Vitesse moyenne: Average speed (Distance travelled by the object divided by the time interval.)
  • Vitesse uniforme:]]: Uniform speed (It is said if the speed of an object is constant.)
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Retour à la Catégorie: Lexique Sciences Physiques

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