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Correspondances dans les titres des pages

  • / [[Present Perfect]] (Anglais) …action which happened in the past and still has some connections with the present
    10 Kio (1 023 mots) - 15 mai 2017 à 16:20

Correspondances dans le texte des pages

  • / [[Present Perfect]] (Anglais) …action which happened in the past and still has some connections with the present
    10 Kio (1 023 mots) - 15 mai 2017 à 16:20
  • …group is its form, which usually shows whether you are referring to past, present, or future time”, according to the Collins Dictionary, and the Cambridge '''Present simple''' used for facts, generalizations, and truths that are not aff
    16 Kio (1 732 mots) - 19 février 2023 à 21:22
  • So why not do both? It makes perfect sense….doesn’t it? …earning areas. It is important not just to use it just so the students can present their work neatly as a final piece of work. Like most software, you need to
    68 Kio (11 077 mots) - 4 décembre 2023 à 18:30