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a priori probability / Abbe criterion / Abbe-Helmert criterion / Abelson-Tukey score test / abnormal curve / abnormality / abrupt change / abrupt distribution / absolute deviation / absolute difference / absolute error / absolute frequency / absolute measure / absolute moments / absolute risk / absolutely unbiased estimator / absorbing barrier / absorbing Markov chain / absorbing region / absorbing state / absorption distributions / accelerated failure time model / accelerated life testing / accelerated stochastic approximation / accelerated test / acceleration by powering / acceptable quality level / acceptable reliability level / acceptance boundary / acceptance control chart / acceptance error / acceptance inspection / acceptance line / acceptance number / acceptance quality level / acceptance region / acceptance sampling / accumulated deviation / accumulated process / accuracy / ACF / actuarial estimator / actuarial statistics / ad hoc test / adaptive inference / adaptive kernel estimation / adaptive methods / adaptive optimisation / adaptive optimization / adaptive regression / adaptive rejection sampling / added variable plot / addition of variates / additive hazard model / additive model / additive process / additive property of χ² / additive property of chi-square / additivity of means / adequate subset / Adès distributions / adherent probabilities / adjusted profile likelihood / admissible decision function / admissible estimator / admissible hypothesis / admissible numbers / admissible strategy / admissible test / affine α-resolvability / affine alpha resolvability / affinity / age-adjusted rate / age-dependent birth and death process / age-dependent branching process / age-period-cohort effects / age-sex-adjusted rate / age-specific death rate / age-specific mortality rate / age-specific rate / aggregation / aggregative cluster analysis / aggregative index / aggregative model / aging distribution / AIC / AID / Aitken estimator / Ajne's An-test / Akaike's information criterion / aleatory variable / algorithm / alias / allele / allocation of a sample / allocation rule / allokurtic / allometric growth / allometry / allowable defects / all-possible-subsets regression / almost certain / almost certainly / almost everywhere / almost stationary / almost surely / alpha error / alpha factoring / alpha index / alpha resolvability / alphabet / Alter periodogram / alternating process / alternating renewal process / alternative hypothesis / amount of information / amount of inspection / amplitude ratio / amplitude / analogue computer / analysis of covariance / analysis of dispersion / analysis of variance of longitudinal data / analysis of variance / analytic regression / analytic survey / analytic trend / ancillary information / ancillary statistic / ANCOVA / Anderson-Darling statistic / Anderson's classification statistic / Andrews' Fourier-type plot / angular transformation / angular variables / anisotropic distribution / annual block maximum method / annual maximum method / anomic / Anosov's theorem / ANOVA table / ANOVA / Ansari-Bradley dispersion test / Anscombe residual / ante-dependence model / antimode / antiseries / antithetic transforms / antithetic variables / antitonic regression function / AOQ / AOQL / aperiodic state / approximate degrees of freedom / approximation error / AQL / Aranda-Ordaz model / arbitrary origin / arc sine distribution / arc sine transformation / ARCH model / ARE / area comparability factor / area sampling / Arfwedson distribution / ARIMA process / arithmetic average / arithmetic distribution / arithmetic mean / ARL / ARMA process / ARMA process / Armitage's chi-squared test for trend / Armitage's restricted procedure / Arnold distribution / array / arrival distribution / ascertainment error / ascertainment / ASN function / Aspin-Welch test / assay / assignable variation / associable design / associate class / association analysis / association scheme / association / assumed mean / asymmetrical distribution / asymmetrical factorial design / asymmetrical test / asymmetry / asymptotic Bayes procedure / asymptotic distribution / asymptotic efficiency / asymptotic normality / asymptotic relative efficiency / asymptotic standard error / asymptotic test / asymptotically √n-unbiased estimator / asymptotically efficient estimator / asymptotically locally optimal design / asymptotically most powerful test / asymptotically stationary / asymptotically subminimax / asymptotically unbiased estimator / atom / attack rate / attenuation / attributable fraction / attributable risk / attribute / atypical characteristic / auto-catalytic curve / autocorrelation coefficient / autocorrelation function / autocorrelation / autocovariance function / autocovariance generating function / autocovariance / automatic interaction detection / automatic model selection / autonomous equations / autoregression quantile / autoregression rank scores / autoregression / autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model / autoregressive integrated moving average process / autoregressive model / autoregressive moving average process / autoregressive process / autoregressive series / autoregressive transformation / auto-spectrum / average amount of inspection / average article run length / average correction (for grouping) / average critical value method / average deviation / average deviation / average extra defectives limit / average inaccuracy / average loss / average of relatives / average outgoing quality level / average outgoing quality limit / average quality protection / average run length / average sample number curve / average sample number function / average sample run length / average shifted histograms / average / axial distribution / axonometric chart / Bachelier process / backcalculation / background information / backprojection / backward equations / backward process / BACON algorithm / Bagai's Y1 statistic / bagging / bagplot / Bahadur efficiency / balanced bootstrap / balanced confounding / balanced differences / balanced factorial experimental design / balanced incomplete block / balanced lattice square / balanced repeated replication / balanced sample / ballot theory / Banach's match problem / band chart / bandit problems / bandwidth / bar chart / bar graph / Barnard's Monte Carlo test / Barndorff-Nielsen's formula / Bartholomew's problem / Bartlett adjustment / Bartlett correction / Bartlett relation / Bartlett-Diananda test / Bartlett-Lewis model / Bartlett's collinearity test / Bartlett's decomposition / Bartlett's matrix-identity / Bartlett's test of second order interaction / Bartlett's test / base line / base period / base reversal test / base weight / base / baseline hazard / basic cell / Basu's theorem / batch variation / Bates-Neyman model / bathtub curve / battery of tests / Baule's equation / Bayes' decision rule / Bayes' estimation / Bayes' factor / Bayes information criterion / Bayes' postulate / Bayes' risk / Bayes' solution / Bayes' strategy / Bayes' theorem / Bayesian confidence interval / Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling / Bayesian inference / Bayesian interval / Bayesian network / Bayesian probability point / Bayesian survival model / BCa confidence interval / Beall-Rescia generalisation of Neyman's distribution / Beall-Rescia generalization of Neyman's distribution / Bechhofer's indifference zone method / behavioural decision function / Behrens' method / Behrens-Fisher problem / Behrens-Fisher test / belief network / Bellman-Harris process / bell-shaped curve / Beran's tests / Berge's inequality / Berkeley Madonna / Berksonian line / Berkson's error model / Berkson's fallacy / Bernoulli distribution / Bernoulli numbers / Bernoulli polynomial / Bernoulli trials / Bernoulli variation / Bernoulli walk / Bernoulli's theorem / Bernstein's inequality / Bernstein's theorem / Berry's inequality / Bessel function distribution / Bessel functions / Bessel's correction / best asymptotically normal estimator / best critical region / best estimator / best fit / best linear unbiased estimator / beta coefficients / beta distribution / beta error / beta probability plot / beta-binomial distribution / beta-gamma distribution / beta-prime distribution / beta-Stacy distribution / beta-Whittle distribution / better same order bias estimator / between-groups variance / Bhattacharyya bounds / Bhattacharyya's distance / bias / biased coin design / biased estimator / biased sample / biased test / bias-variance trade-off / BIC / Bickel-Hodges estimator / Bienaymé-Tchebychev inequality / bifactor model / bilateral exponential / bilinear model / bimodal distribution / binary data / binary experiment / binary logistic regression / binary longitudinal data / binary sequence / binary variable / Bingham's distribution / binomial distribution / binomial index of dispersion / binomial probability paper / binomial variation / binomial waiting time distribution / bioassay / bioequivalence test / bioinformatics / biological assay / BioMeDical Package / biometric functions / biostatistics / biplot / bipolar factor / bipolykays / Birnbaum-Raymond-Zuckerman inequality / Birnbaum's inequality / Birnbaum-Saunders distribution / Birnbaum-Tingey distribution / birth and death process / birth process / birth rate / birth, death and immigration process / biserial correlation / bispectrum / Bissinger distributions / bit / bivariate beta distribution / bivariate binomial distribution / bivariate Cauchy distribution / bivariate distribution of two discrete variables / bivariate distribution / bivariate exponential distribution / bivariate F-distribution / bivariate gamma distribution / bivariate hypergeometric distribution / bivariate logarithmic distribution / bivariate logarithmic series distribution / bivariate multinomial distribution / bivariate negative binomial distribution / bivariate normal distribution / bivariate Pareto distribution / bivariate Pascal distribution / bivariate Poisson distribution / bivariate sign test / bivariate 'Student' distribution / bivariate type II distribution / bivariate uniform distribution / bivector multinomial distribution / Black-Scholes formula / Blackwell's theorem / Blakeman's criterion / blinding / block diagram / block / blocked adaptive computationally-efficient outliers nominators / Blom's method / BLUE / Blum approximation / Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt independence test / BMDP / BMI / Bock's three component model / body mass index / Bonferroni inequality / Bonferroni rule / Boolean factor analysis / Boole-Bonferroni-Fréchet inequality / Boole's inequality / boosting / bootstrap aggregation / bootstrap methods / bootstrap test / Borel-Cantelli lemmas / Borel-Tanner distribution / Borges' approximation / Bose distribution / Bose-Einstein statistics / bounded completeness / Bowley index / box and whisker plot / box plot / Box-Cox transformation / Box-Jenkins model / Box-Jenkins model / Box-Müller transformation / Box's test / Bradford distribution / Bradford Hill's guidelines / Bradley-Terry model / branch and bound methods / branching Markov process / branching Poisson process / branching process / branching renewal process / Brandt-Snedecor method / Bravais correlation coefficient / break point / breakdown bound / Breslow estimator / Breslow-Day test / Brownian bridge / Brownian motion process / Brown-Mood procedure / Brown's method / Bruceton method / Brunk's test / brushing scatterplots / Buffon's needle / BUGS / bulk sampling / bunch map analysis / Burke's theorem / Burkholder approximation / Burr's distribution / busy period / Butler-Smirnov test / Buys Ballot table / byte / calibration / call-back / Campbell's theorem / Camp-Meidell inequality / Camp-Paulson approximation / Canberra metric / canonical correlation / canonical matrix / canonical variable / canonical / Cantelli's inequality / Cantor-type distributions / Capon test / capture/recapture sampling / capture/release sampling / cardioid distribution / Carleman's criterion / Carli's index / carrier variable / carry over effect / CART / cartogram / cascade process / case fatality rate / case-cohort design / case-control study / case-referent study / catastrophe theory / categorical data / categorical distribution / categorical variable / category theory / category / Cauchy distribution / Cauchy-Schwarz inequality / causal chain model / causal distribution / causality / cause variable / cause-specific hazard function / cell frequency / cell model / censored regression model / censoring / census distribution / census / centile / central confidence interval / central factorial moments / central limit theorem / central moment / central place theory / central tendency / centre (of a range) / centre of location / centroid method / cepstrum / certainty equivalence / CFA / CG distribution / chain binomial model / chain block design / chain graph model / chain graph / chain index / chain / chain-relative / Champernowne distributions / chance constraint / chance variation / change point estimator / change point models / change point problem / change point / changeover trial / channel degrees of freedom / Chapman-Kolmogorov equations / characterisation / characteristic function / characteristic functional / characteristic root / characteristic / characterization / Charlier distribution / Charlier polynomials / Chauvenet's criterion / Chebyshev inequality / Chernoff's faces / Chernoff-Savage theorems / chi distribution / chi-plot / chi-squared correction / chi-squared distribution / chi-squared metric / chi-squared statistic / chi-squared test / chi-statistic / choice-based sampling / Cholesky decomposition / Chung-Fuchs theorem / chunk sampling / cigarette card distribution / circular chart / circular diagram / circular distribution / circular formula / circular histogram / circular lattice distribution / circular mean deviation / circular mean difference / circular normal distribution / circular quartile deviation / circular range / circular serial correlation coefficient / circular test / circular triads / circular uniform distribution / class frequency / class mark / class symbol / class / classification and regression trees / classification statistic / classification / Cliff-Ord tests / clinical study / clinical trials / clipped time series / clisy / clitic curve / closed sequential scheme / closed sequential t-tests / closed-ended question / closeness, in estimation / cluster (point) process / cluster analysis / cluster randomized trial / cluster sampling / cluster / clustering / coalescent process / coarsening / Cochran's criterion / Cochran's Q-test / Cochran's rule / Cochran's test / Cochran's theorem / coefficient of agreement / coefficient of alienation / coefficient of association / coefficient of concentration / coefficient of concordance / coefficient of consistence / coefficient of contingency / coefficient of correlation / coefficient of determination / coefficient of disarray / coefficient of disturbancy / coefficient of divergence / coefficient of excess / coefficient of individuality / coefficient of multiple correlation / coefficient of multiple partial correlation / coefficient of non-determination / coefficient of part correlation / coefficient of racial likeness / coefficient of self-similarity / coefficient of total determination / coefficient of variation / coefficient / cograduation / coherence / coherency principle / coherency / coherent structure / cohort life table / cohort study / cohort / cold deck method / collapsed stratum method / collapsibility / colligation / collinearity / collinearity-influential observations / colouring / combination of tests / combinatorial methods / combinatorial power mean / combinatorial test / commingling analysis / common factor space / common factor variance / common factor / communality / communicate / communicating class / compact (serial) cluster / comparative mortality figure / comparative mortality index / compartment models / compensating error / competing risks / competition process / complete case analysis / complete class (of decision functions) / complete class (of tests) / complete correlation matrix / complete Latin square / complete linkage clustering / complete regression / complete set of Latin squares / complete sufficient statistic / complete system of equations / completely balanced lattice square / completely randomised design / completely randomized design / completeness (of a class of decision functions) / completeness / complex abnormal curve / complex demodulation / complex experiment / complex Gaussian distribution / complex table / complex unit / complex Wishart distribution / component analysis / component bar chart / component of interaction / component of variance / composed Poisson distribution / composite estimator / composite hypothesis / composite index number / composite sampling scheme / compositional data / compound binomial distribution / compound distribution / compound frequency distribution / compound hypergeometric distribution / compound negative multinomial distribution / compound Poisson distribution / compressed limits / computer-intensive methods / concentration matrix / concentration parameter / concentration / concomitance / concomitant variable / concordance / concordant sample / concurrent deviation / conditional distribution / conditional expectation / conditional expected value / conditional failure rate / conditional Gaussian distribution / conditional independence / conditional inference / conditional likelihood / conditional logistic regression / conditional maximum likelihood / conditional power function / conditional probability / conditional regression / conditional statistic / conditional survivor function / conditional test / conditional / conditionality principle / conditionally unbiased estimator / confidence band / confidence belt / confidence coefficient / confidence curves / confidence distribution / confidence interval / confidence level / confidence limits / confidence region / confidence set / configuration / confirmatory factor analysis / confluence analysis / confluent relation / conformity / confounder / confounding / congestion problems / conjugate distribution / conjugate Latin squares / conjugate prior / conjugate ranking / connectedness / connection / conservative confidence interval / conservative process / consistency / consistent estimator / consistent test / constraint / consumer price index / consumer's risk / consumption price index / contagious distribution / contaminated distribution / content validity / contingency table / contingency / contingency-type distributions / continuity correction / continuity / continuous population / continuous probability law / continuous process / continuous random variable / continuous sampling plans / contour level / contragraduation / contrast / control chart / control limits / control method / control of substrata / control / controlled process / convergence in measure / convergence in probability / convolution / Cook's statistic / coordinatograph / copula / corner test / Cornish-Fisher expansion / corpuscle problem / corrected moment / corrected probit / correction factor / correction for continuity / correction for grouping / corrections for abruptness / correlation index / correlation matrix / correlation ratio / correlation surface / correlation table / correlation / correlogram / correspondence analysis / cosine distribution / cospectrum / cost function / cost-of-living index / counter model, type I / counterfactual model / counting distribution / counting process methods / counting process / covariance analysis / covariance function / covariance kernel / covariance matrix / covariance stationary process / covariance / covariate / covariation / covarimin / coverage probability / coverage problems / coverage / Cox and Stuart's tests / Cox model / Cox process / Cox proportional hazards model / Cox's regression model / Cox's theorem / CPI / Craig effect / Craig's theorem / Cramér-Lévy theorem / Cramér-Rao bound / Cramér-Rao efficiency / Cramér-Rao inequality / Cramér-Tchebychev inequality / Cramér-von Mises test / Cramér-Wold device / credible interval / credible region / Creedy and Martin generalised gamma distribution / Creedy and Martin generalized gamma distribution / criterion / critical quotient / critical region / critical value / Crofton's theorem / Cronbachs alpha / cross amplitude spectrum / cross intensity function / cross range / cross spectrum / cross-correlation / cross-covariance / crossed classification / crossed factors / crossed weight index number / cross-over design / cross-sectional survey / cross-validation criterion / cross-validation / cross-weight index number / crude moment / crypto-deterministic process / CSM test / cube of correlation / cubic designs with three associate classes / cubic lattice / cuboidal lattice design / cumulant generating function / cumulant / cumulative chi-squared statistic / cumulative distribution function / cumulative error / cumulative frequency curve / cumulative frequency function / cumulative hazard / cumulative incidence / cumulative normal distribution / cumulative probability curve / cumulative probability function / cumulative process / cumulative risk / cumulative sum chart / cumulative sum distribution / current life table / current status data / curtailed inspection / curtate / curve fitting / curve of concentration / curve of equidetectability / curve of flexibility / curve of mean density / curved exponential family / curvilinear correlation / curvilinear regression / curvilinear trend / CUSUM procedures / cut-off / cycle / cyclic design / cyclic order / cyclic series / cylindrically rotable design / D²-statistic / DAG / D'Agostino's test / Dalenius' theorem / DALY / damped oscillation / damping factor / Dandekar's correction / Daniels' rank correlation coefficient / Daniel's test / Darmois-Koopman-Pitman theorem / Darmois-Koopman's distributions / Darmois-Skitovich theorem / data analysis / data augmentation algorithm / data bank / data depth / data sharpening / data / database / datum / David-Barton test / David's empty cell test / de Finetti's theorem / death process / death rate / decapitated distribution / decapitated negative binomial distribution / decile / decision function / decision rule / decision space / decision theory / decomposable models / decomposition / deconvolution / decreasing failure rate / decreasing hazard rate / deep stratification / defective probability distribution / defective sample / defective unit / defining contrast / degenerate distribution / degree of belief / degrees of freedom / degrees of randomness / Delaunay triangulation / delta distribution / delta method / delta-index of Gini / delta-index / Delthiel polygon / demodulation / demography / dendrogram / density estimation / density function / departure process / dependence / dependency / dependent variable / derived statistics / descriptive indices / descriptive statistics / descriptive survey / design equation / design matrix / design of experiments / design optimality / design type O:PP / destructive test / determinant correlation / determining variable / deterministic distribution / deterministic model / deterministic process / detrimental variable / deviance residual / deviance / deviate / deviation / diagonal regression / dichotomous variable / dichotomy / difference of zero / difference sign test / differential process / differential-difference equation / diffuse prior / diffusion index / diffusion process / digamma function / digital computer / dilution series / dimension reduction / Dimroth-Watson's distribution / direct correlation / direct probability / direct sampling / direct standardisation / direct standardization / directed acyclic graph / directional data / Dirichlet distribution / Dirichlet series distribution / Dirichlet tesselation / dirty data / disability adjusted life year / discontinuous process / discontinuous variable / discordance / discordant sample / discounted least squares method / discrepance / discrete circular uniform distribution / discrete distribution / discrete lognormal distribution / discrete normal distribution / discrete Pareto distribution / discrete power series distribution / discrete probability law / discrete process / discrete random variable / discrete rectangular distribution / discrete type III distribution / discrete variate / discrete wavelet transformation / discriminant analysis / discriminatory analysis / dishonest process / disnormality / disorder problem / dispersion index / dispersion matrix / dispersion stabilising transformation / dispersion stabilizing transformation / dispersion / displaced Poisson distribution / disproportionate subclass numbers / dissection (of heterogeneous distributions) / dissimilarity / dissymmetry / distance distributions / distance measures / distance / distributed lag / distribution curve / distribution function / distribution function / distribution mixture / distribution of run lengths / distribution of Sums which are Truncated from the Expectation of the Reciprocal / distribution / distribution-constant statistic / distribution-free method / distribution-free sufficiency / disturbed harmonic process / disturbed oscillation / divergence / dividing value / Divisia-Roy index / Divisia's index / Dixon's statistics / Dn+ statistic / Dodge continuous sampling plan / domain of study / dominating strategy / Donsker's theorem / Doolittle technique / D-optimal design / dose metameter / dose-response curve / dose-response relationship / dotplot / double binomial distribution / double censoring / double confounding / double dichotomy / double exponential distribution / double exponential regression / double hypergeometric distribution / double logarithmic chart / double Pareto curve / double Poisson distribution / double reversal design / double sampling / double-blind / double-ratio estimator / double-tailed test / doubly non-central F-distribution / doubly stochastic matrix / doubly stochastic Poisson process / doubly truncated normal distribution / down cross / Downton's estimators / downward bias / Dragstedt-Behrens' method / dropout / d-separation theorem / dual process / dual theorem / duality / dummy observation / dummy treatment / dummy variable / Duncan's test / Dunnett's test / Dunn's test / duo-trio test / duplicate sample / duplicated sample / Durbin's multistage variance estimator / Durbin-Watson statistic / Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem / Dwass-Steel test / dynamic model / dynamic programming / dynamic stochastic process / dynamic treatment allocation / ecologic study / ecological fallacy / econometrics / ED50 / EDA / edge effects / Edgeworth expansion / Edgeworth index / Edgeworth's series / effect modifier / effect variable / effective degrees of freedom / effective range / effective unit / efficiency equivalence / efficiency factor / efficiency index / efficiency / efficient estimator / Efron's self-consistency algorithm / Ehrenfest model / eigenvalue / Eisenhart models / elementary contrast / elementary renewal theorem / elementary unit / Elfving distribution / elimination / ellipse of concentration / ellipsoidal normal distribution / elliptical normal distribution / elliptical truncation / elliptically symmetric distributions / ellipticity / EM algorithm / empirical Bayes' estimator / empirical Bayes' procedure / empirical distribution function / empirical exponential family / empirical likelihood / empirical probit / empirical statistical model / empty cell test / end corrections / endogenous variable / endogenous variate / end-point estimation / Engset distribution / ensemble average / ensemble / entrance time / entropy / entry plot / envelope power function / envelope risk function / environmental statistics / epidemic model / epidemic process / epidemic / epidemiology / epsem sampling / epsilon-independence / equal probability of selection method / equal spacings test / equaliser decision rule / equalising value / equalizer decision rule / equally correlated distribution / equal-tails test / equilibrium distribution / equilibrium renewal process / equilibrium / equi-normal distribution / equitable game / equivalence class / equivalence testing / equivalent deviate / equivalent dose / equivalent samples / equivariant estimator / ergodic state / ergodicity / Erlang distribution / Erlang's formula / error band / error function complement / error function / error in equations / error mean square / error of estimation / error of first kind / error of observation / error of second kind / error of third kind / error reducing power / error sum of squares / error variance / error / errors in surveys / errors-in-variables model / Esseen's lemma / Esseen-type approximation / essential completeness / estimable / estimate / estimating equation / estimating / estimation / estimation-maximisation algorithm / estimation-maximization algorithm / estimator / ethics / etiologic fraction / Euclidean distance / eugenics / Euler's conjecture / even summation / event history data / event space / event / evolutionary operation / evolutionary process / evolutionary spectrum / exact chi-squared test / exact statistical method / exact test / exceedance life test / exceedances tests / exceedances / exchangeability / exchangeable (variables) / exhaustive sampling / exogenous variable / exogenous variate / expectation / expected frequencies / expected loss / expected normal scores test / expected probit / expected value / experiment / experimental error / experimental unit / expert system / explanatory variable / exploratory data analysis / exploratory survey / explosive process / explosive stochastic difference equation / exponential curve / exponential dispersion model / exponential distribution / exponential family / exponential regression / exponential smoothing / extended Bayes' decision rule / extended group divisible design / extended hypergeometric distribution / extended negative binomial distribution / extensive magnitudes / extensive sampling / external validity / external variance / extra period change over design / extra-Poisson variation / extrapolation forecasting / extrapolation / extremal index / extremal intensity / extremal process / extremal quotient / extremal statistic / extreme mean / extreme rank sum test / extreme studentised deviate / extreme studentized deviate / extreme values / extreme-value distributions / factor analysis / factor antithesis / factor loading / factor matrix / factor pattern / factor reversal test / factor rotation / factor score / factor / factorial cumulant generating function / factorial cumulant / factorial design / factorial distribution / factorial experiment / factorial moment generating function / factorial moment / factorial multinomial distribution / factorial sum / failure rate / fair game / false negative / false positive / fast Fourier transform / fatigue models / Fatou's lemma / F-distribution / feature selection / feed-forward neural network / Fellegi's method / Fermi-Dirac statistics / Ferreri distribution / fertility gradient / fertility rate / FFT / fiducial distribution / fiducial inference / fiducial limits / fiducial probability / Fieller-Hartley-Pearson measure of association / Fieller's theorem / filter / finite arc sine distribution / finite Markov chain / finite multiplier / finite population correction / finite population / finite sample breakdown point / finite sampling correction / first digit distribution / first kind model / first limit theorem / first passage time / first return time / first stage unit / Fisher exact test / Fisher information matrix / Fisher information / Fisher model / Fisher-Behrens test / Fisher-Hsu-Roy distribution / Fisher-Irwin test / Fisher's (spherical Normal) distribution / Fisher's B-distribution / Fisher's distribution / Fisher's transformation (of the correlation coefficient) / Fisher-Yates test / five-point assay / fixed base index / fixed effects (constants) model / fixed sample / fixed variable / Flemming-Viot process / flexibility curve / fluctuation / Fokker-Planck equation / folded contingency table / folded distributions / folded median / folding / follow-up / force of mortality / forecasting / forward equations / Foster's criteria / four-fold table / Fourier analysis / Fourier transform / fractal / fractile graphical analysis / fractile / fraction defective / fractional Brownian motion / fractional replication / frailty model / frame / Fréchet distance / Fréchet distribution / Fréchet's inequalities / freehand method / Freeman-Tukey transformation / frequency curve / frequency distribution / frequency domain / frequency function / frequency moment / frequency polygon / frequency response function / frequency surface / frequency table / frequency theory of probability / frequency / frequentist / Freund-Ansari test / Friedman's test / F-test / full information method / functional central limit theorem / functional relationship / fundamental probability set / fundamental random process / funnel plot / Furry process / futility index / fuzzy set theory / Gabriel's test / Gabriel-Sen statistic / gain function / Galton ogive / Galton-McAllister distribution / Galton's individual difference problem / Galton's rank order test / Galton-Watson process / GAM / gambler's ruin / game theory / gamma coefficients / gamma distribution / gamma function / gamma integral / gamma-frailty models / Gani's mean difference / Gantt progress chart / GARCH model / Gart's test / Garwood distribution / Gauss distribution / Gauss elimination / Gaussian distribution / Gaussian process / Gauss-Markov theorem / Gauss-Poisson distribution / Gauss-Seidel method / Gauss-Winckler inequality / Geary's contiguity ratio / Geary's ratio / Geary's theorem / GEE / Gehan test / general factor / general interdependent system / general renewal process / GENeral STATistics / generalised additive model / generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model / generalised Bayes' decision rule / generalised binomial distribution / generalised bivariate exponential distribution / generalised classical linear estimators / generalised contagious distribution / generalised cross-validation / generalised distance / generalised distribution / generalised estimating equations / generalised extreme-value distribution / generalised gamma distributions / generalised inverse / generalised least squares estimator / generalised linear model / generalised maximum likelihood estimator / generalised mixed model / generalised multinomial distribution / generalised normal distribution / generalised Pareto distribution / generalised polykays / generalised power series distribution / generalised right angular designs / generalised sequential probability ratio test / generalised stable law / generalised STER distribution / generalised T² distribution / generalized additive model / generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model / generalized Bayes' decision rule / generalized binomial distribution / generalized bivariate exponential distribution / generalized classical linear estimators / generalized contagious distribution / generalized cross-validation / generalized distance / generalized distribution / generalized estimating equations / generalized extreme-value distribution / generalized gamma distributions / generalized inverse / generalized least squares estimator / Generalized Linear Interactive Modelling / Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Models / generalized linear model / generalized maximum likelihood estimator / generalized mixed model / generalized multinomial distribution / generalized normal distribution / generalized Pareto distribution / generalized polykays / generalized power series distribution / generalized right angular designs / generalized sequential probability ratio test / generalized stable law / generalized STER distribution / generalized T² distribution / generating function / genetic algorithm / genetic heterogeneity / GenStat / geometric distribution / geometric mean / geometric moving average / geometric probability / geometric range / geostatistics / Gibbs sampler / Gibrat distribution / Gini's hypothesis / Gini's index of cograduation / Gini's mean distance / Gini's ratio / girdle distribution / Gittins index / given period / GLIM / Glivenko-Cantelli lemma / Glivenko's theorem / GLLAMM / glyph / Gnedenko-Koroljuk distributions / Gnedenko-Koroljuk theorem / Gnedenko's theorem / Gompertz curve / Gompertz-Makeham distribution / Goodman-Kruskal G statistic / Goodman-Kruskal tau / goodness of fit / Goutereau's constant / Gower's similarity coefficient / grade correlation / grade / gradual changes / graduation curve / graduation / Graeco-Latin square / Gram-Charlier series type A / Gram-Charlier series type B / Gram-Charlier series type C / Gramian matrix / Gramian / Gram's criterion / grand tour / graphical chain model / graphical estimator / graphical model / Greenhouse-Geisser test / Grenander estimators / Grenander's uncertainty principle / grid sampling / grid / group comparison / group divisible design / group divisible incomplete block design / group divisible PBIB / group divisible rotatable designs / group factor / group screening methods / group sequential design / group testing / group / grouped Poisson distribution / grouping lattice / growth curve / Grubbs' estimators / Grubbs' rule / g-statistics / g-test / Gumbel distribution / Gumbel's inequalities / Gupta's subset selection method / Gupta's symmetry test / Gurland's generalisation of Neyman's distribution / Gurland's generalization of Neyman's distribution / Guttman scaling / Hadamard matrix / Haldane's discrepancy measures / half-Cauchy distribution / half-drill strip / half-invariant / half-normal distribution / half-normal plot / half-normal probability paper / half-plaid square / half-replicate design / half-width / Hammersley-Clifford theorem / hamming / hanning / hard clipping (limiting) / hard-core model / Hardy summation method / Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium / Hardy-Weinberg law / Harley approximation / harmonic analysis / harmonic dial / harmonic distribution / harmonic mean / harmonic process / harmonic regression / Harris recurrence / Harris walk / Harrison's method / Hartley-Rao scheme / Hartley's test / Hastings approximations / hat matrix / Hausdorff dimension / hazard function / hazard function / hazard rate distribution / hazard rate / hazard / Hellinger's distance / Helly-Bray theorem / Helly's first theorem / Helmert criterion / Helmert distribution / Helmert transformation / heritability / Hermite distribution / Hermite polynomials / heteroclitic / heterogeneity / heterograde / heterokurtic / heteroscedastic / heterotypic / Heywood case / Hhn (x) function / hidden Markov model / hierarchical birth and death process / hierarchical classification / hierarchical cluster analysis / hierarchical group divisible design / hierarchical model / hierarchy / high contact / higher-order asymptotic theory / highest posteriori density interval / high-low graph / Hill estimator / histogram / historical controls / historical prospective study / historigram / hitting point / HKA test / Hodges' bivariate sign test / Hodges-Ajne's test / Hodges-Lehmann one-sample estimator / Hoeffding C1 statistic / Hoeffding's independence test / Hoeffding's inequality / Hoeffding's U-statistics / Hölder's inequality / Hollander-Proschan new better than used test / Hollander's bivariate symmetry test / Hollander's parallelism test / Holt's method / homoclitic / homogeneity / homogeneous process / homograde / homokurtic / homoscedastic / honest process / honestly significant difference test / horseshoe effect / Horvitz-Thompson estimator / Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic / hot deck method / Hotelling’s T²-distribution / Hotelling's T² / Hotelling's test (dependent correlations) / Householder tridiagonalisation / Householder tridiagonalization / HSD-test / Huber estimator / Huberised estimator / Huberized estimator / Hudson-Kreitman-Aguade test / Hudson's Rm / Hunt-Stein theorem / Hurst coefficient / hyperbolic secant distribution / hypercube / hyperexponential distribution / hypergeometric distribution / hypergeometric waiting time distribution / hyper-Graeco-Latin square / hypernormal dispersion / hypernormality / hyper-Poisson distribution / hyper-spherical normal distribution / hypothesis testing / hypothetical population / ideal index number / identical categorisations / identical categorizations / identical errors / identifiability / idle period / ill-conditioned / illness-death model / ill-posed problem / illusory association / illusory correlation / IMA process / image analysis / image processing / imbedded process / immigration / implicit strata / importance sampling / improper distribution / improper prior / impulse response function / imputation / inadmissible estimator / incidence matrix of design / incidence rate / incidence / incidental parameters / includances tests / inclusion probability / incomplete beta function / incomplete block / incomplete census / incomplete data / incomplete gamma function / incomplete Latin square / incomplete moment / incomplete multi-response design / inconsistent estimator / increasing failure rate / increasing hazard rate / independence frequency / independence / independent action / independent censoring / independent tests / independent trials / independent variable / index number / index of abnormality / index of attraction / index of concentration / index of connection / index of dispersion / index of dissimilarity / index of diversity / index of evolution / index of homophily / index of oscillation / index of Pareto / index of response / index of reversion / index / indicator function / indicator variable / indifference region / indifference zone / indifference / indifference-level index number / indirect least squares / indirect sampling / indirect standardisation / indirect standardization / induction / inductive behaviour / inefficient estimator / inefficient statistic / inequality coefficient / inferential statistics / infinite divisibility / infinite population / infinite universe / infinitely-many-sites model / infinitesimal jackknife / inflated distributions / inflation factor / influence curve / influence function / influence / influence / influential observation / information criterion / information matrix / information theory / information / informative censoring / informative prior / inherent bias / inhomogeneous Poisson process / input/output process / inquiry / inspection by attribute / inspection diagram / inspection lot / instantaneous death rate / instantaneous state / instrumental variable / integer programming / integrated data / integrated moving average process / integrated spectrum / intensity function / intensity of transvariation / intensity / intensive magnitudes / intensive sampling / interaction / interblock / intercalate Latin square / intercept / interclass correlation / interclass variance / intercorrelation / intercropping / interdecile range / intergraduated values / internal least squares / internal regression / internal validity / internal variance / interpenetrating samples (subsamples) / interpolation / interquartile range / interrupted distributions / interval censoring / interval distribution / interval estimation / intervention analysis / interviewer bias / intrablock analysis / intrablock subgroup / intrablock / intraclass correlation / intraclass variance / intrinsic accuracy / invariance method / invariance principle / invariance / invariant / inventory problems / inverse correlation / inverse distribution / inverse factorial series distribution / inverse Gaussian distribution / inverse hypergeometric distribution / inverse moment / inverse multinomial sampling / inverse normal distribution / inverse normal scores test / inverse Pólya distribution / inverse polynomial / inverse probability / inverse problems / inverse sampling / inverse serial correlation / inverse sine transformation / inverse tanh transformation / inverse transformation method / inversion / inverted beta distribution / inverted Dirichlet distribution / IQR / IRLS / irreducible chain / irreducible Markov chain / irregular kollectiv / Irwin distribution / Ising-Stevens distribution / isodynes / isokurtosis / isometric chart / isomorphism / isotonic regression function / isotropic distribution / isotropy / isotype method / item analysis / iterated bootstrap / iterative proportional fitting / iterative proportional scaling / iterative weighted least squares / iteratively reweighted least squares / jackknife variance estimator / jackknife / James-Stein estimator / Jensen's inequality / Jiřina sequential procedure / jittered sampling / John's cyclic incomplete block designs / Johnson-Mehl model / Johnson's system / joint distribution / joint moment / joint prediction intervals / joint regression / joint sufficiency / Jolly-Seber model / Jonckheere's k-sample test / Jonckheere-Terpstra test for k-groups / Jordan's identity / J-shaped distribution / judgment sample / jump matrix / jump statistic / just identified model / Kagan-Linnik-Rao theorem / Kaiser-Guttmann criterion / Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy / Kalman filter / Kamat's test / Kantorowitch's theorem / Kaplan-Meier estimator / kappa / Kapteyn's distribution / Kapteyn's transformation / Kapteyn's univariate distribution / Kärber's method / k-class estimator / Kendall’s coefficient of concordance / Kendall's τ / Kendall's S score / Kendall's tau / Kendall's terminology / kepstrum / kernel density estimator / kernel estimate / kernel estimator / kernel smoothing in regression / Kesten's process / Khintchine's theorem / Kiefer-Wolfowitz process / Klotz's test / k-means clustering / Knox's test / Knut Vik square / kollectiv / Kolmogorov axioms / Kolmogorov equations / Kolmogorov inequality / Kolmogorov representation / Kolmogorov theorem / Kolmogorov-Smirnov distributions / Kolmogorov-Smirnov test / Konyus conditions / Konyus index number / Koopman-Darmois family / Koroljuk's theorem / Kounias' inequality / Kramp function / k-ratio t-test / k-ratio t-test / k-ratio / kriging / Kronecker product of design / Kronecker product of matrices / Kruskal statistic / Kruskal-Wallis test / k-samples problem / k-statistics / K-test / Kuder-Richardson formula / Kuiper statistic / Kullback-Leibler distance function / Kullback-Leibler information / kurtic curve / kurtosis / L1-metric / L1-norm / L2 association scheme / L2-metric / Lachenbruch's method / LAD methods / LAD regression / ladder index / ladder variable / lag correlation / lag covariance / lag hysteresis / lag regression / lag / Lagrange multiplier test / Lagrangean multiplier test / Laguerre polynomials / Lambda-criterion / lambdagram / Lancaster's partition of chi-squared / Langevin distributions / Laplace approximation / Laplace distribution / Laplace law of succession / Laplace transform / Laplace-Gauss distribution / Laplace-Lévy theorem / Laplace's theorem / Laspeyres' index / Laspeyres-Konyus index / lasso / latent class analysis / latent root (vector) / latent structure / latent trait analysis / latent variable / Latin cube / Latin hypercube sampling / Latin rectangle / Latin square / lattice design / lattice distributions / lattice sampling / lattice square / Laurent process / law of iterated logarithm / law of large numbers / law of small numbers / LD50 / leaps and bounds methods / least absolute deviation methods / least absolute deviation regression / least favourable distribution / least favourable family / least significant difference test / least squares estimator / least squares generalised inverse / least squares generalized inverse / least squares method / least variance difference method / left-censoring / left-truncation / Legendre polynomials / legit / Lehmann alternatives / Lehmann's test / Lehmann-Scheffé theorem / leptokurtosis / Leslie matrix / Leslie's test / L-estimator / lethal dose 50 / level map / level of a factor / level of interpenetration / level of significance / leverage point / leverage / Lévy process / Lévy representation / Lévy-Cramér theorem / Lévy-Khintchine representation / Lévy-Pareto distribution / Lévy's theorem / Lexian distributions / Lexis ratio / Lexis theory / Lexis variation / Liapunov's inequality / Liapunov's theorem / life expectancy / life table / lifetime distribution / likelihood principle / likelihood ratio dependence / likelihood ratio test / likelihood ratio / likelihood / Likert scale / Lilliefors' test / limited information estimator / limited information methods / Lincoln index / Lindeberg-Feller theorem / Lindeberg-Lévy theorem / Lindley's integral equation / Lindley's paradox / Lindley's theorem / line of equal distribution / line of equidistribution / line sampling / line spectrum / line up / linear constraint / linear correlation / linear discriminant function / linear estimator / linear failure rate distribution / linear hypothesis / linear logistic regression / linear maximum likelihood method / linear mean square regression / linear model / linear process / linear programming / linear regression / linear structural relation / LInear Structural RELationships / linear sufficiency / linear systematic statistic / linear trend / linearised maximum likelihood method / linearized maximum likelihood method / lineo-normal distribution / link function / link relative / linkage analysis / linkage / linked blocks / linked data / linked paired comparison designs / linked samples / Lipschitz condition / LISREL / list sample / Lloyd's method / loading / local asymptotic efficiency / local likelihood estimation / local statistic / locally assymptotically most powerful test / locally asymptotically most stringent test / locally most powerfull rank order test / location model / location parameter / location shift alternative hypothesis / location / location-scale family / lods / log convex tolerance limits / log F distribution / log gamma distribution / logarithmic chart / logarithmic graph / logarithmic normal distribution / logarithmic odds / logarithmic series distribution / logarithmic transformation / log-chi-squared distribution / logistic curve / logistic distribution / logistic process / logistic regression / logit / log-linear models / log-log transformation / log-logistic distribution / lognormal distribution / lognormal / log-rank test / log-zero-Poisson distribution / Lomax distribution / longitudinal survey / long-time trend / loop plan / Lorenz curve / loss function / loss matrix / loss of information / lot quality protection / lot tolerance per cent defective / lot / Lotka-Volterra equations / lottery sampling / Lowe index / lower control limit / lower order bias estimator / lower quartile / lowess / Lp-norm / LSD test / L-statistics / l-statistics / L-tests / Lugananni-Rice formula / lumped variance test / Lyttkens' correction / Macaulay's formula / Madow-Leipnik distribution / magic square design / Mahalanobis distance / Mahalanobis' generalised distance / Mahalanobis' generalized distance / main effect / Makeham distribution / Mallows's Cp statistic / manifold classification / Mann-Kendall test / Mann-Whitney test / MANOVA table / MANOVA / Mantel-Haenszel test / MAR / Marcinkiewicz's theorem / marginal category / marginal classification / marginal distribution / marked point process / marker variable / Markov chain Monte Carlo / Markov chain / Markov estimate / Markov field / Markov inequality / Markov process / Markov random field / Markov renewal process / Marshall-Edgeworth-Bowley index / Marshall-Olkin distribution / martingale residuals / martingale / masking effect / master sample / matched samples / matching coefficient / matching distribution / matching / matrix sampling / Mauchly test / maverick / maximin criterion / maximum entropy method / maximum entropy principle / maximum F-ratio / maximum likelihood estimator / maximum likelihood method / maximum probability estimator / max-type procedures / Maxwell distribution / Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics / MCAR / McDonald-Kreitman test / MCMC / McNemar's test / mean absolute deviation / mean absolute error / mean deviation / mean difference / mean direction / mean excess function / mean likelihood estimator / mean linear successive difference / mean probit difference / mean range / mean residual life / mean semi-squared difference / mean square consecutive fluctuation estimator / mean square contingency / mean square deviation / mean square error / mean square successive difference / mean square / mean successive difference / mean trigonometric deviation / mean values / mean / measure of central tendency / measure of location / medial test / median absolute deviation : MAD / median centre / median direction / median effective dose / median F-statistic / median lethal dose / median line / median regression curve / median survival time / median test / median unbiased confidence interval / median unbiasedness / median / Mellin transform / Merrington-Pearson approximation / mesokurtosis / M-estimate / M-estimator / meta-analysis / metameter / method of collective marks / method of moments / method of overlapping maps / method of path coefficients / method of scoring / method of selected points / method of semi-averages / method of steepest ascent / Metropolis-Hastings algorithm / mid-mean / mid-range / mid-rank method / Miller distribution / Miller's jackknife test / Mills' ratio / minimal essential completeness / minimal sufficient statistics / minimally connected design / minimax estimation / minimax principle / minimax regret principle / minimax robust estimator / minimax strategy / minimum chi-squared / minimum completeness / minimum discrimination information statistic / minimum logit chi-squared / MInimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation / minimum normit chi-square estimator / minimum spanning tree / minimum variance linear unbiased estimator / minimum variance / Minitab / Minkowski's inequality / MINQUE / misclassification / missing at random / missing completely at random / missing data / missing information principle / missing plot technique / Mitscherlich equation / mixed autoregressive-moving average process / mixed autoregressive-regressive system / mixed distribution / mixed exponential response law / mixed factorial experiments / mixed model / mixed sampling / mixed spectrum / mixed strategy / mixed-up observations / mixture distribution / mixture of distributions / MLE / modal value / modality / mode / model averaging / model I / model II / model / modified arithmetic mean / modified binomial distribution / modified control limits / modified exponential curve / modified Latin square / modified mean square successive difference / modified mean / modified normal distributions / modified profile likelihood / modified von Neumann ratio / modulus of precision / moment coefficient / moment estimator / moment generating function / moment matrix / moment ratio / moment / monotone likelihood ratio / monotone regression / monotonic structure / Monte Carlo EM algorithm / Monte Carlo method / Monte Carlo test / monthly average / Mood-Brown estimation of a line / Mood-Brown estimation / Mood-Brown median test / Mood-Brown procedure / Mood's W-test / Moore-Penrose inverse / moral graph / Moran's test statistic / Morgenstern distributions / morphometrics / Mortara formula / Moses' ranklike dispersion test / Moses' test / most efficient estimator / most powerful critical region / most powerful rank test / most powerful test / most selective confidence intervals / most stringent test / Mosteller's k-sample slippage test / MOSUM procedures / mover-stayer model / moving annual total / moving average disturbance / moving average method / moving average model / moving average process / moving average / moving observer technique / moving range / moving seasonal variation / moving summation process / moving total / moving weights / m-statistic / mth values / multi-binomial test / multicollinearity / multi-dimensional scaling / multi-equational model / multi-factorial design / multi-level continuous sampling plans / multilinear process / multi-modal distribution / multinomial distribution / multi-phase sampling / multiple bar chart / multiple changes / multiple classification / multiple comparisons / multiple correlation coefficient / multiple curvilinear correlation / multiple decision methods / multiple decision problem / multiple factor analysis / multiple imputation / multiple Markov process / multiple phase process / multiple Poisson distribution / multiple Poisson process / multiple random starts / multiple range test / multiple recapture census / multiple record system / multiple regression / multiple sampling / multiple smoothing method / multiple stratification / multiple time series / multiplicative process / multiplicity / multi-stage estimation / multi-stage sample / multi-stage sampling / multi-stage sampling / multistate model / multi-temporal model / multi-valued decision / multivariate analysis of variance table / multivariate analysis of variance / multivariate analysis / multivariate beta distribution / multivariate binomial distribution / multivariate Burr's distribution / multivariate distribution / multivariate exponential distribution / multivariate F-distribution / multivariate hypergeometric distribution / multivariate inverse hypergeometric distribution / multivariate L1-mean / multivariate moment / multivariate multinomial distribution / multivariate negative binomial distribution / multivariate negative hypergeometric distribution / multivariate normal distribution / multivariate Pareto distribution / multivariate Pascal distribution / multivariate Poisson distribution / multivariate Pólya distribution / multivariate power series distribution / multivariate processes / multivariate quality control / multivariate signed rank test / multivariate Tchebyshev inequalities / Murthy's estimator / mutability / natural conjugate prior / NBU distribution / nearest-neighbour clustering / nearest-neighbour methods / nearly best linear estimator / NED / negative binomial distribution / negative exponential distribution / negative factorial multinomial distribution / negative hypergeometric distribution / negative moments / negative multinomial distribution / Nelson-Aalen estimator / nested balanced incomplete block design / nested case-control studies / nested classification / nested design / nested hypotheses / nested methods / nested sampling / net correlation / network information criterion / network of samples / network sampling / neural network / neutral curve / new better than used distribution / Newman-Keuls test / Newton-Raphson method / Neyman allocation / Neyman model / Neyman-Pearson lemma / Neyman-Pearson theory / Neyman's ψ² test / Neyman's factorisation theorem / Neyman's factorization theorem / Neyman's psi square test / Neyman-Scott model / Neyman-shortest unbiased confidence intervals / NIC / Noether's test for cyclical trend / noise / nomic / nomogram / nomograph / non-adherence / non-central χ² distribution / non-central beta distribution / non-central chi-square distribution / non-central confidence interval / non-central F-distribution / non-central multivariate beta distribution / non-central multivariate F-distribution / non-central t-distribution / non-central Wishart distribution / non-centrality parameter / non-circular statistic / non-compliance / non-ignorable non-response / nonlinear correlation / nonlinear model / nonlinear regression / non-normal population / non-null hypothesis / non-orthogonal data / non-parametric confidence intervals / non-parametric delta method / non-parametric maximum likelihood / non-parametric tolerance limits / non-parametric / non-random sample / non-recurrent state / non-recursive residual / non-regular estimator / non-response / non-sampling error / nonsense correlation / non-singular distribution / normal deviate / normal dispersion / normal distribution / normal equations / normal equivalent deviate / normal inspection / Normal Mixture Distributions / normal probability paper / normal scores tests / normalisation of frequency function / normalisation of scores / normalising transformation / normalization of frequency function / normalization of scores / normalizing transformation / Normit / NORMIX / nucleotide diversity / nugget effect / nuisance parameters / null hypothesis / null recurrent state / numerical taxonomy / Nyquist frequency / Nyquist interval / Nyquist-Shannon theorem / O statistics / OAR / oblimax / oblique factor / observable variable / observational error / observational study / observed at random / observed information matrix / Occam's razor / occupancy problems / octiles / odds ratio / odds / official statistics / ogive / omega square test / one-sided test / one-tailed test / one-way classification / op and Op notation / open sequential scheme / open-ended classes / open-ended question / operating characteristic / operational research (br.) / operations research (am.) / opinion poll / opinion survey / optimal asymptotic test / optimal stopping rule / optimality of design / optimum allocation / optimum linear predictor / optimum statistic / optimum stratification / optimum test / Ord-Carver system / order of coefficients / order of interaction / order of stationarity / order statistics / ordered alternative hypothesis / ordered categorisation / ordered categorization / ordered series / orderly stationary point process / ordination / organic correlation / Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process / orthant probabilities / orthogonal arrays / orthogonal design / orthogonal functions / orthogonal polynomials / orthogonal process / orthogonal projection / orthogonal regression / orthogonal squares / orthogonal tests / orthogonal variable transformation / orthogonal / orthonormal system / oscillation / oscillatory process / outcome / outlier prone distribution / outliers / overall estimate / overall sampling fraction / overdispersion / over-identification / overlap design / overlapping sampling units / overviews / p* formula / Paasche-Konyus index / Paasche's index / paired comparison / paired t-test / pairwise independence / Palgrave's index / Palm function / Palm's theorem / panel data / panel study / Papadakis's methods / parallel line assay / parameter hypothesis / parameter of location / parameter of scale / parameter orthogonality / parameter point / parameter / parametric hypothesis / parametric programming / Pareto curve / Pareto distribution of the second kind / Pareto distribution / Pareto index / Pareto-type distribution / partial association / partial autocorrelation / partial confounding / partial contingency / partial correlation / partial correlogram / partial least squares / partial range / partial rank correlation / partial regression / partial replacement / partial serial correlation / partially balanced arrays / partially balanced incomplete block design / partially balanced lattice / partially balanced linked block design / partially consistent observations / partially linked block design / partition of χ² / partition of chi-squared / Pascal distribution / patch / path analysis / pattern function / pattern recognition / patterned sampling / pay-off matrix / PDF / peak over threshold / peak value / peak / Pearl-Read curve / Pearson chi-squared test / Pearson coefficient of correlation / Pearson criterion / Pearson curve / Pearson measure of skewness / Pearson residual / Pearson-Durbin ratio / Peek's inequality / peeling algorithm / penalised estimation / penalised least squares / penalised likelihood / penalised quasi-likelihood / penalized estimation / penalized least squares / penalized likelihood / penalized quasi-likelihood / pentad criterion / percentage diagram / percentage distribution / percentage point / percentage standard deviation / percentile confidence interval / percentile / percolation process / performance characteristic / period of a state / period / periodic process / periodogram / Perk's distribution / permissible estimator / permutation tests / persistency / persistent state / personal probability / person-years / perturbation techniques / Peters' method / Petersburg game / Petersburg paradox / p-function / phase confounded designs / phase diagram / phase function / phase spectrum / phase / Phi-coefficient / pictogram / pie chart / pie diagram / piecewise regression / Pillai's trace test / pilot sample / pilot survey / pistimetric probability / Pitman efficiency / Pitman estimator / Pitman nearness criterion / Pitman-Morgan test / Pitman's tests / pivotal quantity / placebo / Plackett's uniform distribution / plaid square / platykurtosis / plot / PLS / point binomial / point biserial correlation / point bivariate distribution / point density / point estimation / point of control / point of first entry / point of indifference / point process / point sampling / Poisson approximation / Poisson beta distribution / Poisson binomial distribution / Poisson clustering process / Poisson distribution / Poisson forest / Poisson homogeneity test / Poisson index of dispersion / Poisson probability paper / Poisson process / Poisson truncated normal distribution / Poisson variation / Poisson-Dirichlet process / Poisson-Lexis distribution / Poisson-Markov process / Poisson-normal distribution / Poisson-Pascal distribution / Poisson's law of large numbers / polar wedge diagram / Politz and Simmons technique / Pollaczek-Khintchine formula / Pollaczek's formula / Pollaczek-Spitzer identity / Pólya frequency function of order two / Pólya process / Pólya-Aeppli distribution / Pólya-Eggenburger distribution / Pólya's distribution / Pólya's theorem / polychoric correlation / polycross designs / polykay / polynomial regression / polynomial trend / polyspectra / polytomic table / pooling of classes / pooling of error / population genetics / population / positive binomial distribution / positive correlation / positive hypergeometric distribution / positive recurrent state / positive skewness / post cluster sampling / posterior probability / Potthoff's test / power efficiency / power function distribution / power function / power mean / power moment / power spectrum / power sum / power transformation / power / P-P plot / precedence test / precision matrix / precision / predetermined variable / predicated variable / prediction interval / prediction limit / prediction / predictive decomposition / predictive inference / predictive likelihood / predictive regression analysis / predictive sample reuse method / predictor variable / predictor / pre-emptive discipline / preference table / preference-field index number / prevalence rate / prevalence / prevision / pre-whitening / price compensation index / price index / price relative / Priestly's λ-test / Priestly's Lambda-test / Priestly's P-test / primary unit / principal components regression / principal components / principal coordinates analysis / principle of equal ignorance / principle of equipartition / principle of parsimony / prior probability / priority queuing / probability density function / probability distribution / probability element / probability integral transformation / probability integral / probability limits / probability mass / probability moment / probability paper / probability plot / probability ratio test / probability sampling / probability surface / probability weighted moments estimation / probability / probable error / probit analysis / probit regression line / probit / problem of m-rankings / problem of the Nile / procedural bias / process average fraction defective / process with independent increments / processing error / Procrustes method / producer's risk / product binomial model / product integral / product moment correlation / product moment / product-limit estimator / profile analysis / profile likelihood / prognostic factor / progressive average / progressively censored sampling / projection pursuit / projection / propensity interpretation of probability / proper distribution / proportional frequency / proportional hazards model / proportional odds model / proportional sampling / proportional subclass numbers / prospective study / protocol / provisional mean / proximity analysis / proximity theorem / pseudo-factor / pseudo-inverse / pseudo-likelihood / pseudo-random numbers / pseudo-spectrum / pseudo-values of the jackknife / psi function / psi square statistic / p-statistics / psychological probability / psychometrics / publication bias / pure birth process / pure random process / pure strategy / purposive sample / p-value / Q-Q plot / Q-technique / quad / quadrant dependence / quadrat / quadratic estimator / quadratic exponential model / quadratic form / quadratic mean / quadratic programming / quadratic response / quadrature spectrum / quadri-normal distribution / qualitative data / qualitative interaction / quality adjusted life year / quality control chart / quality control / quality inspection / quality of life / quality of official statistics / quantal response / quantile / quantitative data / quantitative response / quantity relative / quantum hypothesis / quantum index / quartile deviation / quartile direction / quartile measure of skewness / quartile variation / quartile / quartimax / quartimin / quasi-compact cluster / quasi-experiments / quasi-factorial design / quasi-independence / quasi-Latin square / quasi-likelihood / quasi-Markov chain / quasi-maximum likelihood estimator / quasi-median / quasi-Newton methods / quasi-normal equations / quasi-random sampling / quasi-range / Quenouille's test / questionnaire / queue / queueing problem / quintiles / quota sample / quotient regression / R / radico-normal distributions / radix / Radon-Nikodym theorem / Raikov's theorem / raising factor / random allocation design / random balance design / random bifurcation / random coefficient model / random component / random digits / random distribution / random effects model / random error / random event / random impulse process / random linear graph / random normal scores test / random number generator / random numbers / random order / random orthogonal transformation / random process / random sample / random sampling error / random sampling numbers / random selection / random series / random start / random tesselation / random variable / random variate / random walk process / random walk / random / randomisation tests / randomisation / randomised blocks / randomised decision function / randomised fractional factorial designs / randomised model / randomised response / randomised significance tests / randomised test / randomization tests / randomization / randomized blocks / randomized decision function / randomized fractional factorial designs / randomized model / randomized response / randomized significance tests / randomized test / range chart / range / rank concordance coefficient / rank correlation / rank order statistics / rank scores / rank transformation / rank / rankit / rank-randomisation tests / rank-randomization tests / rank-weighted mean / Rao-Blackwell theorem / Rao-Kupper model / Rao's scoring test / Rasch model / ratio delay method / ratio estimator / ratio scale / ratio / rational trend / raw moment / raw score / Rayleigh distribution / Rayleigh tests / realisation / realization / reciprocal scaling / record linkage / records tests / recovery of information / rectangular association scheme / rectangular distribution / rectangular lattice / rectified index number / rectifying inspection / rectilinear trend / recurrence game / recurrence time / recurrent Markov chain / recurrent state / recursive algorithm / recursive residual / recursive system / reduced design / reduced equations / reduced form method / reduced inspection / reduced maximum likelihood / reduced sample / reduced variable / reduction of data / Reed-Frost model / Reed-Münch method / reference period / reference prior distribution / reference set / reflecting barrier / refusal rate / regenerative process / region of indifference / region of preference / regressand / regression coefficient / regression curve / regression dependence / regression diagnostics / regression equivariant estimator / regression estimate / regression line / regression quantile / regression rank scores / regression surface / regression weight / regression / regressogram / regressor / regret / regular best asymptotically normal estimator / regular estimator / regular group divisible incomplete block design / regular Markov renewal process / regular state / regular stationary point process / reification / rejectable quality level / rejection error / rejection limit / rejection line / rejection number / rejection region / rejection sampling / rejective sampling / relative area of transvariation / relative efficiency (of a sample design) / relative efficiency (of a test) / relative efficiency (of an estimator) / relative frequency / relative index / relative information / relative potency / relative precision / relative risk / relative to an identified distribution analysis / relative variance / relaxed oscillation / reliability coefficient / reliability / relvariance / REML / remote sensing / renewal density / renewal distribution / renewal function / renewal process / renewal theorem / renewal theory / repeated measures design / repeated survey / repetition / repetitive group sampling plan / replacement process / replacement / replication / representative sample / reproducibility / resampling procedure / resemblance / residual effect / residual sum of squares / residual treatment effect / residual variance / residual waiting time / residual / resistant techniques / resolvable balanced incomplete block design / resolvable designs / response error / response metameter / response surface designs / response surface / response time distribution / response variable / response / R-estimator / restricted chi-squared test / restricted maximum likelihood / restricted randomisation / restricted randomization / restricted sequential procedure / retrospective change point problem / retrospective study / return level / return period / return states / return time / reversal design / reversal test / reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo / reversible relation / Rhodes' distribution / Rice distribution / ridge regression / ridit analysis / Riemann distribution / right and wrong cases method / right angular design / right-censoring / right-truncation / Ripley's statistics / risk factor / risk function / risk ratio / risk / Robbins-Munro process / robust estimators / robustness / Room's squares / root estimator (of a mean) / root mean square deviation / root mean square error / rose diagram / Rosenbaum's test / rotatable design / rotation sampling / rotation / roughness penalty / Round Robin design / rounding / route sampling / Roy's maximum root criteria / R-process / R-technique / ruin problems / runs / Rutherford's contagious distribution / Sacks' theorem / saddle point approximation / saddle point expansion / saddle point / same order bias estimators / sample census / sample description space / sample design / sample moment / sample plan / sample point / sample reuse / sample size / sample space / sample statistic / sample survey / sample unit / sample variance / sample / sampling design / sampling distribution / sampling error / sampling for attribute / sampling fraction / sampling frame / sampling inspection / sampling interval / sampling moment / sampling on successive occasions / sampling plan / sampling ratio / sampling structure / sampling survey / sampling unit / sampling variance / sampling with replacement / sampling zeros / sandwich estimate / sandwich estimator / SAS / Satterthwaite's approximation / Satterthwaite's test / saturated model / saturation / SB,SU distributions / scale equivariant estimator / scale parameter / scan statistic / scatter coefficient / scatter diagram / scatter plot / scattergram / scatterplot matrix / scatterplot smoother / scedastic curve / scedasticity / Schach's two-sample tests / schedule / Scheffé's test / scheme of hidden periodicity / Schuster periodogram / Schwarz's inequality / score equation / score statistic / score test / score vector / score / scree test / screening design / screening inspection / S-curve / seasonal fluctuation / seasonal variation / second kind model / second law of Laplace / second limit theorem / second- stage unit / secondary process / secondary unit / second-order analysis / second-order stationarity / second-order stationary / secretary problem / sector chart / secular trend / segmented regression / selected points method / selection bias / selection with arbitrary probability / selection with equal probability / selection with probability proportional to size / selection with variable probability / self-avoiding random walks / self-conjugate Latin square / self-correlation coefficient / self-renewing aggregate / self-similar process / self-weighted sample / self-weighting sample / semi-interquartile range / semi-invariant / semi-Latin square / semi-logarithmic chart / semi-logarithmic graph / semi-Markov process / semi-martingale / semi-normal distribution / semi-range / semi-stable law / semi-stationary process / semivariogram / sensitive information / sensitivity analysis / sensitivity and specificity / sensitivity data / sensitivity function / separation theorem / sequential analysis / sequential change point problem / sequential chi-squared test / sequential estimation / sequential probability ratio test / sequential sampling / sequential selection / sequential T² test / sequential test / sequential tolerance region / serial cluster / serial correlation / serial design / serial dilution assay / serial linear rank statistics / serial sampling inspection schemes / serial variation / serially balanced sequence / series queues / series / series-seriation / seriola / Shannon-Wiener index / shape parameter / shape / Shapiro-Wilk test / Sheppard's corrections / Sherman's test statistic / Shewhart control chart / shock and error model / shock model / Short distribution / shortest confidence intervals / shorth estimator / short-term fluctuation / shot noise / shrinkage estimator / Siegel-Tukey test / sieve estimator / sigmoid curve / sigmoid / sign test / signed likelihood ratio statistic / signed rank test / significance level / significance point / significance / similar action / similar regions / similarity index / similarity / simple abnormal curve / simple hypothesis / simple lattice design / simple random sampling / simple sample / simple structure / simple table / simplex algorithm / simplex centroid design / simplex designs / simplex method / simplex models / Simpson's paradox / simulation model / simulator / simultaneous confidence intervals / simultaneous discrimination intervals / simultaneous equations model / simultaneous estimation / simultaneous tolerance intervals / simultaneous variance ratio test / single factor theory / single sampling plan / single sampling / single tail test / single-blind / single-linkage clustering / singly linked block design / singular distribution / singular value decomposition / singular weighing design / sinusoidal limit theorem / six point assay / size and shape / size of a region / size of a test / size / skew correlation / skew distribution / skew regression / skewness / skew-normal distribution / skip free process / Skitovich-Darmois theorem / slash distribution / slippage test / slope ratio assay / slowly varying function / Slutsky process / Slutsky's lemma / Slutsky's theorem / Slutsky-Yule effect / Smirnov tests / Smirnov-Birnbaum-Tingey distribution / smooth regression analysis / smooth test / smoother / smoothing power / smoothing / SMR / snap reading method / Snedecor's F-distribution / snowball sampling / sojourn time / space-time clustering / spatial point process / spatial statistics / spatial systematic sample / Spearman estimator / Spearman two-factor theorem / Spearman-Brown formula / Spearman-Brown prophesy formula / Spearman-Kärber estimator / Spearman-Kärber method / Spearman's ρ / Spearman's footrule / Spearman's rank correlation coefficient / Spearman's rho / species of abundance problem / species of Latin square / specific factor / specific rate / specification bias / specification error / specificity / spectral average / spectral decomposition / spectral density function / spectral distribution function / spectral function / spectral weight function / spectral window / spectrum / Spencer formula / spent waiting time / spherical distribution / spherical mean direction / spherical normal distribution / spherical standard error / spherical variance function / spherical variance / spherically symmetric distributions / sphering / Spitzer's identity / splicing / spline estimate / split half method / split plot confounding / split plot design / split plot method / split test method / S-PLUS / spread / spreadsheet / SPSS / spurious correlation / square contingency / square lattice / square root transformation / squariance / St Petersburg paradox / stabilisation of variance / stability test / stabilization of variance / stable law / stable non-Gaussian distributions / stable Paretian distributions / stable Pareto distributions / stable process (distribution) / stable state / Stacy's distribution / staircase design / staircase distribution / staircase method / standard deviate / standard deviation / standard equation / standard error of estimate / standard error / standard Latin square / standard measure / standard normal variable / standard population / standard score / standardised deviate / standardised deviate / standardised maximum likelihood estimator / standardised mortality ratio / standardised regression coefficients / standardised variable / standardized maximum likelihood estimator / standardized mortality ratio / standardized regression coefficients / standardized variable / Stata / stationary distribution / stationary population / stationary process / stationary stochastic process / statistic / Statistical Analysis System / statistical decision function / statistical graphics / statistical hypothesis / statistical literacy / statistical model / statistical numeracy / Statistical Package for the Social Sciences / statistical population / statistical quality control / statistical series / statistical tolerance interval / statistical tolerance limit / statistical tolerance region / statistical universe / statistically equivalent block / statistics anxiety / statistics / Stein-Chen method / Steiner's triple systems / Stein's paradox / Stein's two sample procedure / stem and leaf diagram / stem and leaf display / stem and leaf plot / step-down procedure / Stephan's iterative process / stepwise regression / STER distribution / stereogram / stereology / s-test / Stevens-Craig distribution / Stirling distribution / stochastic abundance models / stochastic approximation procedure / stochastic comparison of tests / stochastic continuity / stochastic convergence / stochastic dependence / stochastic differentiability / stochastic disturbance / stochastic integrability / stochastic kernel / stochastic matrix / stochastic model / stochastic process / stochastic programming / stochastic transitivity / stochastic variable / stochastic volatility / stochastic / stochastically larger or smaller / stopping rule / strata chart / strategy / stratification after selection / stratification / stratified sample / stratum / strength of a test / stress / strictly dominated estimator / strictly stationary process / strong completeness / strong convergence / strong law of large numbers / strongly consistent estimator / strongly distribution free / structural changes / structural equation models / structural equation / structural parameters / structural time-series models / structural zeros / structure / studentisation / studentised confidence interval / studentised maximum absolute deviate / studentised M-estimator / studentised range / studentization / studentized confidence interval / studentized maximum absolute deviate / studentized M-estimator / studentized range / Student's distribution / Student's hypothesis / Student's t-distribution / Student's test / Sturges' rule / subexponential distribution / subgroup confounded / subjective Bayesian inference / subjective probability / submartingale / subnormal dispersion / sub-Poisson distribution / Subrahmaniam's generalised contagious distribution / Subrahmaniam's generalized contagious distribution / subsample / subsampling / sub-series / substitute F-ratio / substitute t-ratio / substitution / successive difference statistic / sufficiency / Sukhatme d-statistic / Sukhatme's test / sum of squares about the mean / superefficiency / superfluous variable / super-martingale / supernormal dispersion / super-Poisson distribution / superpopulation models / superposed process / superposed variation / supersaturated design / supplementary data / supplementary information / supplemented balance / support / surprise index / survey design / survey methodology / survey weight / survey / survey / survival analysis / survival function / survivor function / swindle / switchback design / symmetric circular distribution / symmetric sampling / symmetric stable law / symmetrical distribution / symmetrical factorial design / symmetrical test / symmetrical unequal block arrangement / symmetrically dependent / symmetry / sympathy effect / synergy / synthesis of variance / systematic design / systematic error / systematic sample / systematic square / systematic statistic / systematic variation / systematic / T²-distribution / taboo probability / taboo state / Taguchi methods / tail area (of a distribution) / Tajima's D statistic / Takacs process / tandem queues / tandem tests / tantiles / taxonometry / taxonomy / Tchebychev inequality / Tchebychev-Hermite polynomials / T-distribution / t-distribution / temporally continuous process / temporally homogeneous process / terminal decision / Terry-Hoeffding test / Terry's test / test coefficient / test for sphericity / test of normality / test statistic / testing of hypothesis / testing the constancy of regression relationships over time / tetrachoric correlation / tetrachoric function / tetrad difference / Theil's inequality coefficient / Theil's mixed regression estimator / theoretical frequencies / theoretical variable / Thiessen polygon / Thomas distribution / Thompson's rule / three-dimensional lattice / three-point assay / three-series theorem / three-stage least squares / threshold model / threshold theorems / ticket sampling / tied double changeover design / tied ranks / tight / tightened inspection / tilling / time antithesis / time comparability factor / time domain / time lag / time reversal test / time series / time without symptoms and toxicity / time-dependent covariates / time-dependent Poisson process / Tobit model / tolerance distribution / tolerance factor / tolerance limits / tolerance number of defects / tolerance / Tong's inequality / total correlation / total inspection / total regression / total time on test transformation / trace correlation / Tracy-Widom distribution / traffic intensity / transfer function / transformation set of Latin squares / transient state / transition intensity / transition matrix / transition probability / translation equivariant estimator / translation parameter / transvariation / t-ratio distribution / travelling salesman problem / treatment mean square / treatment / treatment-period interaction / tree regression / tree structured statistical methods / tree-pruning / trend fitting / trend / trial / triangle test / triangular (singly or doubly) linked blocks / triangular association scheme / triangular design / triangular distribution / triangular multiply linked block design / trimmed least squares estimator / trimmed mean / trimming / trinomial distribution / triple comparisons / triple lattice / trough / true mean / true regression / truncation / T-score / T-square test / T-test / T-test / t-test / Tukey statistic / Tukey's gap test / Tukey's pocket test / Tukey's q-test / Tukey's quick test / Tukey's test / turning point / twinned distributions / TWIST / two-armed bandit / two-by-two frequency table / two-dimensional Poisson process / two-factor theory / two-phase regression / two-phase sampling / two-sided test / two-stage least squares / two-stage sample / two-tailed test / two-way classification / type A distribution / type A region / type A series / type B distribution / type B region / type B series / type bias / type C distribution / type C region / type C series / type D region / type E region / type I and II probabilities / type I counter model / type I distribution / type I error / type I sampling / type II counter model / type II distribution / type II error / type II sampling / type III distribution / type III error / type IV distribution / type IX distribution / type one counter model / type two counter model / type V distribution / type VI distribution / type VII distribution / type VIII distribution / type X distribution / type XI distribution / type XII distribution / type / typical characteristic / typical period / typical year / UBCR estimator / UBDP test / ultimate cluster / ultrametric inequality / UMP test / UN² test / unadjusted moment / unbiased confidence intervals / unbiased critical region / unbiased error / unbiased estimating equation / unbiased estimator / unbiased minimum variance estimator / unbiased sample / unbiased test / underdispersion / unequal subclasses / uniform distribution / uniform sampling fraction / uniform scores test / uniform spectrum / uniformity trial / uniformly best constant risk estimator / uniformly best distance power test / uniformly better decision function / uniformly minimum risk / uniformly most accurate / uniformly most powerful test / uniformly unbiased estimator / unimodal / union-intersection principle / union-intersection tests / unique factor / uniqueness / unit normal random variable / unit stage sampling / unitary sampling / unitemporal model / univariate distribution / universe / unlikelihood ratio / unobserved confounder / unreduced designs / unreliability / unrestricted random sample / unweighted mean / unweighted means method (in analysis of variance) / up and down method / up cross / upper control limit / upper quartile / upward bias / urn model / U-shaped distribution / Uspensky's inequality / U-statistic / U-test / utility theory / vague prior / validation / value at risk / value index / van der Waerden's test / vanity effect / VaR / variability / variable difference method / variable lot size plan / variable sampling fraction / variable selection / variable / variables inspection / variance analysis / variance component / variance function / variance ratio distribution / variance ratio test / variance stabilising transformations / variance / variance-covariance matrix / variate difference method / variate transformation / variate / variation coefficient / variation flow analysis / variation / varimax / variogram / vector alienation coefficient / vector correlation coefficient / Venn diagram / virtual waiting time process / vital statistics / VN test / volatility / von Mises distribution / von Mises expansion / von Neumann's ratio / Voronoi polygon / W statistic / W test for Normality / waiting line / waiting time / Wald distribution / Wald statistic / Wald test / Wald's classification statistic / Wald's fundamental identity / Wald-Wolfowitz runs test / Wald-Wolfowitz test / Walker probability function / Ward's method / Waring distribution / Watson's distribution / Watson's UN² test I / Watson's UN² test II / Watson-Williams test / Watterson's mutation estimate / wavelets / weak convergence / wedge plans / Weibull distribution / weighing design / weight bias / weight function / weight / weighted average / weighted battery / weighted index number / weighted least squares / weighted mean / weighted regression / weighting coefficient / weighting factor / Welch's test / Westenberg's interquartile range test / white noise / Whittaker periodogram / Whittle distribution / Whittle estimation / Wicksell's equations / wide sense stationary / Wiener process / Wiener-Hopf technique / Wiener-Khintchine theorem / Wilcoxon rank sum test / Wilcoxon signed rank test / Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test / Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test / Wilcoxon's test / Wilks' criterion / Wilks' empty cell test / Wilks' internal scatter / Wilks-Lawley U1 statistic / Wilks-Rosenbaum tests / Wilson-Hilferty transformation / window / Winsorised estimation / Winsorized estimation / Wishart distribution / Wishart's modal analysis / within-group variance / Wn² test / Wold's decomposition theorem / Wold's Markov process of intervals / Wolfowitz minimum distance method / Woodbury distribution / working mean / working origin / working probit / wrapped Cauchy distribution / wrapped distribution / wrapped normal distribution / wrapped Poisson distribution / Yates-Grundy-Sen estimator / Yates's adjustment / Yates's algorithm / Yates's correction for continuity / Yates's correction / Youden square / Yule distribution / Yule process / Yule's equation / Yule's hyperbolic distribution / Yule's notation / Yule-Simpson paradox / Yule-Walker equations / Z-chart / z-distribution / Zelen's inequality / zero-sum game / zeta distribution / Zipf's law / zonal polynomial / zonal sampling / zone of indifference / zone of preference / z-score / z-test / z-transformation /

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