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  • …: Resistor (An electrical component designed to introduce a known value of resistance into a circuit.) *[[Courant dérivé]]: Shunt current (A low-resistance connection between two points in an electric circuit that forms an alternat
    21 Kio (3 231 mots) - 30 novembre 2016 à 02:57
  • Image: Electrical_résistance_and_conductence.png| Electrical resistance and conductence
    8 Kio (925 mots) - 19 février 2024 à 23:07
  • / [[electric resistance ]] (Anglais) Image:Resistanceh.jpg|resistance
    19 Kio (2 262 mots) - 20 février 2024 à 22:18
  • * [How can educators overcome resistance to the adoption of ICT in teaching ?]]
    14 Kio (1 599 mots) - 19 décembre 2023 à 19:34
  • |Mot-Clé-4= Resistance
    16 Kio (1 867 mots) - 16 décembre 2023 à 19:35
  • …in a system that experiences no dissipative forces such as friction or air resistance)
    13 Kio (2 084 mots) - 30 novembre 2016 à 02:59
  • …e of a defined range or pattern, typically by breaking out of a support or resistance area. = [[Censorship-resistance]] =
    39 Kio (5 992 mots) - 14 octobre 2023 à 18:05
  • |Mot-Clé-6= Resistance
    25 Kio (3 070 mots) - 26 janvier 2024 à 15:59
  • Censorship Resistance Censorship resistance refers to the idea that no party can prevent anyone from participating in…
    116 Kio (18 312 mots) - 15 août 2021 à 08:16
  • * Antibiotic resistance Tendency of certain bacteria to develop a resistance to commonly over-used antibiotics. * Secondary immunity Resistance to an antigen the second time it appears. Because of the presence of B and
    206 Kio (31 744 mots) - 14 février 2017 à 23:51
  • * Genes conveying resistance to antibiotics in bacteria were found to reside on small, supernumerary chr
    141 Kio (19 510 mots) - 2 mars 2022 à 07:44