
De Didaquest
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Puce-didaquest.png Traduction

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Puce-didaquest.png Définition

Domaine, Discipline, Thématique

Définition écrite

  • A grapheme is the written representation of a phoneme.
  • It can be made of one or more letters depending on its corresponding phoneme.

More-didaquest.png Grapheme - Historique (+)

Définition graphique

Puce-didaquest.png Concepts ou notions associés

Puce-didaquest.png Exemples, applications, utilisations

  • In the word "cat" there are 3 graphemes: c - a - t.
  • In the word "sheep", there are 3 graphemes: sh - ee - p.


Puce-didaquest.png Erreurs ou confusions éventuelles

Puce-didaquest.png Questions possibles

Puce-didaquest.png Liaisons enseignements et programmes

Education: Liens, sites et portails

Difficultés liées à son enseignement

  • A single phoneme can correspond to different graphemes. The phoneme /K/ can be represented by the following graphemes: k - c - ck.
  • To develop phonemic awareness and spelling, a careful teaching of grapheme/phoneme correspondence (GPC) is required.

Aides et astuces

  • Use pictures, audio and video materials to develop students' awareness of GPC.
  • Opt for the synthetic phonics approach in teaching the language.

Puce-didaquest.png Bibliographie