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Noms (Français) / Nouns (Anglais) / أسماء (Arabe) / Sustantivos (Espagnol) / Substantivos (Portugais) / Существительные (Russe) / Sostantivi (Italien) / Nomen (Allemand) / 名词 (Chinois (Mandarin)) / संज्ञा (Hindi) / 名詞 (Japonais) / বিশেষ্য (Bengali)
Domaine, Discipline, Thématique
Définition écrite
Basic Definition
A noun is a word that designates a person, place, object, or idea.
Intermediate Definition
A noun is a grammatical category that serves to identify and designate concrete or abstract entities. It can be classified into different subcategories, such as proper nouns, which refer to unique individuals, and common nouns, which refer to classes of objects or ideas.
Advanced Definition
The noun, as a fundamental element of language, plays a crucial role in structuring discourse. It can be analyzed across several dimensions: syntactically, where it often functions as the subject or object in a sentence; semantically, where it conveys specific meanings; and pragmatically, where its usage varies according to social and cultural context. Nouns may also be affected by morphological properties such as gender and number.
In-Depth Definition
A noun is an essential lexical unit within linguistic systems that serves to reference both concrete and abstract entities. Syntactically, it can function as a subject, direct or indirect object, and complement. Semantically, nouns are divided into categories such as proper nouns (which denote specific individuals or locations) and common nouns (which encompass classes of objects or ideas). Morphologically, they are subject to variations in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural), influencing their agreement with other elements in the sentence. Furthermore, from a pragmatic perspective, the use of nouns is contextually determined and can vary according to social and cultural conventions. This complexity underscores the importance of nouns in constructing meaning and facilitating human communication.
Définition graphique
Nouns (Discipline)
Nouns: (Discipline)
Nouns: (Discipline)
Nouns: (Discipline)
Nouns: (Discipline)
Représentation graphique spatiale Nouns: carte conceptuelle (cmap)
Document PDF Nouns: Document PDF
Image/Figure Nouns: Titre de l'image ou de la figure
Concepts ou notions associés
Nouns - Glossaire / (+)
Exemples, applications, utilisations
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Erreurs ou confusions éventuelles
Exemples de difficultés de compréhension ou d'interprétation courantes:
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Confusions ou glissement de sens potentiels
- Confusion entre ....... - ........
- Confusion entre ....... - ........
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Questions possibles
Liaisons enseignements et programmes
Idées ou Réflexions liées à son enseignement
Education: Autres liens, sites ou portails
Pour citer cette page: ([1])
ABROUGUI, M & al, 2024. Nouns. In Didaquest [en ligne]. <>, consulté le 21, novembre, 2024
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