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Retour à la Catégorie: Lexique Sciences Physiques

  • Acide : Acid (Substance which in solution gives a pH lower than seven. We obtain an acidic solution)
  • Acide chlorhydrique : Hydrochloric acid (Acid solution of hydrogen chloride in water)
  • Air : Air (Gas principally composed of nitrogen and oxygen.)
  • Aluminium : Aluminium (Metallic element, symbol Al, atomic number 13)
  • Ampoule à décanter : Separating funnel (Glassware with the shape of a bulb, having a tap downwards allowing the separation of two immiscible liquids.)
  • Anhydre : Anhydrous (Not containing water)
  • Aqueux : Aqueous (Describing a solution in water)
  • Arôme : Aroma (Chemical compound responsible for the smell or for the taste of a substance.)
  • Atmosphère : Atmosphere (Gaseous envelope principally composed of nitrogen and oxygen, which surrounds the globe of the Earth.)
  • Atome : Atom (Smallest unit into which matter can be divided and still retain the characteristic properties of an element)
  • Azote : Nitrogen (Element, chemical symbol N, atomic number 7 )
  • Ballon : Round-bottomed flask (Spherical glassware)
  • Bar : Bar (Unit of pressure.)
  • Base : Base/Alkali (Substance which in solution gives a pH higher than seven. Any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water. )
  • Bec Bunsen : Bunsen burner (Used to provide heat for chemical reaction.)
  • Bécher : Beaker (A wide cylindrical glass vessel with a pouring lip, used as a laboratory container and mixing jar.)
  • Brouillard : Smog (A mixture of smoke, fog, and chemical fumes)
  • Buée : Vapour (A substance that is in a gaseous state at a temperature below its boiling point)
  • Butane : Butane (Combustible gas : chemical formula C4H10)
  • Carbonate de calcium : Calcium carbonate (White crystalline salt occurring in limestone, chalk, marble, calcite, coral, and pearl: used in the production of lime and cement. Formula: CaCO3)
  • Carbone : Carbon (Element, chemical symbol C, atomic number 6)
  • Celsius : Celsius (Unit of temperature)
  • Centrifugation : Centrifuging (The process of separating different particles in suspension in a liquid or a gas by a movement of very quick rotation. )
  • Changement d'état : Change of state (Change from one state (solid, liquid or gas) to another state.)
  • Charge électrique : Electrical charge ( A form of charge, designated positive, negative, or zero, found on the elementary particles that make up all known matter.)
  • Chauffage à reflux : Reflux condenser (When a liquid mixture is heated, certain chemical compounds vaporise and become gaseous in a vertical column where they are cooled down by circulation of water and liquify falling back into the liquid mixture again.)
  • Chauffe-ballon : Round-bottomed flask heater (Electrical apparatus that heats a round-bottomed flask )
  • Chlorure de sodium : sodium chloride (Chemical name for salt, composed of sodium and chloride, NaCl.)
  • Chromatographie  : Chromatography (Technology of separation of chemical components in solution in a homogeneous mixture, which uses the difference in the rates of migration of components carried by a solvent on a support.)
  • Colorant : Colourant (A dye or similar reagent)
  • Comburant : Oxidizer (A substance that oxidizes another substance, especially one that supports the combustion of fuel. A substance that enters into a combination with oxygen or becomes converted into an oxide)
  • combustible : Fuel (Substance which undergoes combustion)
  • Combustion : Combustion (A chemical process in which two compounds react together to produce heat and light.)
  • Compact : Compact (Closely and firmly united or packed together)
  • Compressible : Compressible (A substance for which the volume can be reduced without changing the quantity.)
  • Compression : Compression (The volume decreases as the pressure increases at constant temperature)
  • Concentration massique : Mass concentration (Mass of solute dissolved per litre of solution, g/L)
  • Condensation : Condensation ( Change of state from gas to liquid or solid.)
  • Conservation des atomes : Conservation of atoms (During a chemical reaction, the reacting atoms are conserved when the products are formed.)
  • Corps pur : pure substance (Substance constituted by identical molecules.)
  • Corrosif : Corrosive (Responsible for corrosion)
  • Corrosion : Corrosion (Reaction between metal and the gas in air, the metal is oxidized to form an oxide layer on surface.)
  • Cortège électronique : Electron shell (A grouping of electrons surrounding the nucleus of the atom)
  • Cristallisoir : Crystallizer (Glassware used to form or cause to form crystals)
  • Cuivre : Copper (Metallic element, chemical symbol Cu, atomic number 29)
  • Cycle de l'eau : Water cycle (The circulation of the water through the air, seas, rivers and soil)
  • Décantation : Decanting (The process of separating a liquid away from a solid that has settled.)
  • Dégazage : Degassing (To extract the gas dissolved in a solution)
  • Deshydratation : Dehydration (An action which consists of extracting water from a substance .The process of losing or removing water or moisture)
  • Détendeur : Regulator (Device which lowers the pressure of compressed gas at ambient pressure.)
  • Diazote : Nitrogen (gas or liquid) (N2, molecule composed of two atoms of nitrogen (chemical element, symbol N, atomic number 7))
  • Diffusion : Diffusion (Permanent excitement of molecules in the liquid or gaseous state.)
  • Dihydrogène : Hydrogen (gas or liquid hydrogen) (H2, molecule composed of two atoms of hydrogen (chemical element, symbol H, atomic number 1) )
  • Diluer : To dilute (Decrease the concentration of a solution by adding solvent.)
  • Dioxyde de carbone : Carbon dioxide (CO2, molecule composed of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom.)
  • Dispersé : Dispersed (Distributed throughout the whole of the volume.)
  • Dissolution : Dissolving (The action of obtaining a homogeneous solution by stirring a solid, a liquid or a gas in a solvent)
  • Dissoudre : To dissolve (The substance (solute) added to a solvent becomes evenly dispersed)
  • Distillat : Distillate (The liquid obtained by distillation (see distillation))
  • Distillation : Distillation (The process of separating a mixture of liquids by heating, the vapour of the liquid with the lowest boiling point comes off first and is condensed back to a liquid in a condenser.)
  • Divisé : Divided (To become separated into components or parts)
  • Ebullition : Boiling (A change of state from liquid to gaseous (vapour) at a temperature called the boiling point. It occurs by the formation of bubbles throughout the liquid.)
  • Eau de chaux : Limewater (Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 or slaked lime) : white solid which dissolves slightly in water to form limewater. This is weakly alkaline and is used to test for carbon dioxide.)
  • Eau distillée : Distilled water (Water which has had salts removed by distillation. It is done by distillation or ion exchange.)
  • Effervescence : Effervescence (The formation of gaseous bubbles in a liquid by chemical reaction.)
  • Electrode : Electrode (A piece of metal or graphite placed in a electrolyte via which current enters or leaves.)
  • Electron : Electron (Basic particle of negative load which orbits around the nucleus of the atom)
  • Electron libre : Free electron (It has broken loose from an atom of metal, and circulates in the structure. With other electrons of conduction, it constitutes electric current.)
  • Eluant : Eluent (Liquid used during a chromatography, in which the bottom of the support is submerged.)
  • Emulsion : Emulsion (Formed when fine droplets of one liquid are in suspension in another liquid. The two liquids are not miscible.)
  • Energie chimique : Chemical energy (During a chemical reaction, energy appears: in the form of warmth, or light. There can be movement or an explosion.)
  • Eprouvette : Measuring cylinder (Flask calibrated by cylindrical form, used for measuring the volume of a liquid)
  • Equation de réaction : Equation of reaction (Symbolic writing of chemical reaction)
  • Equilibrer une réaction : To equilibrate (to balance) a reaction (Put coefficients in front of chemical expressions of the reactive and products to respect the law of conservation of atoms)
  • Erlenmeyer : Erlenmeyer (Cone-shaped container used in chemistry)
  • Evaporation : Evaporation (Slow transformation of a liquid into vapour from the surface.)
  • Evaporer (s') : To evaporate (Be slowly transformed into steam.)
  • Fer : Iron (Dark grey metal, attracted by a magnet, and becoming covered with rust after exposure to humid air. Chemical expression: Fe)
  • Filtrat : Filtrate (Product resulting from filtering)
  • Filtration : Filtration, filtering (Separation of the solid particles in suspension in a heterogeneous mixture often with the aid of filter paper.)
  • Fiole jaugée : Volumetric flask (Used when mixing accurate concentrations of solutions. Each flask has a volume marking which is very exact and a stopper so that it can be shaken to mix the solution.)
  • Floculation : Floculation (Gathering in form of small flakes, of very fine solid particles in suspension in water)
  • Fondre : To melt (Pass from the solid state to the liquid state)
  • Fumée : Smoke (Mixture of fine solid particles in suspension in a gas)
  • Fusion : Melting, fusion (Passage from the solid state to the liquid state)
  • Gaz : Gas (Compressible and expansible formless material )
  • Gaz carbonique : Carbon dioxide (Gas produced during all processes of combustion. Chemical expression: CO2. It is responsible for the greenhouse effect)
  • Givre : Frost (Ice deposited on objects, acquired by solidification of a mist)
  • Glace : Ice (Solid form of water)
  • Goutte (goutte à goutte)  : Drop (drop by drop) (Small quantity of a liquid in a round form.)
  • Graphique : Graph (Graphic presentation of the variations of a measurable greatness)
  • Grêle : Hail (Solid haste constituted of small mass of ice)
  • GPL : GLP (Gas of liquefied oil. Fuel used for car motors. It is a mixture of propane and butane.)
  • Hélium : Helium (Very light, not inflammable gas. It is used in sounding balloon, and to accomplish very low temperatures. )
  • Hétérogène : Heterogeneous (A blend of several constituents which can be differentiated by the naked eye)
  • Homogène : Homogeneous (A blend of several constituents which can not be differentiated by the naked eye)
  • Horizontal : Horizontal (Perpendicular direction in the vertical direction given by a thread with lead)
  • Hydrate : Hydrate (A salt that contains water of crystallization. (It is hydrated). The salt becomes an anhydrate if the water is removed.)
  • Hydraté : Hydrous (Substance that contains water)
  • Hydrogène : Hydrogen (Very light, inflammable, uncolored and scentless gas. It is the most abounding element in the world, particularly in stars and interstellar material. )
  • Incandescence : Incandescence (State of a chemical component which issues light when strongly heated)
  • Insoluble : Insoluble (Which does not dissolve in a given solvent)
  • Introduire : To put in (To introduce)
  • Ion : Ion (Holder of load in a solution, resulting from an atom or a group of atoms having lost or gained one or several electrons)
  • Limpide : Limpid (Which is perfectly transparent)
  • Liquéfaction : Liquefaction (Passage from the gaseous state to the liquid state)
  • Liquide : Liquid (State of the material not having a clear form, and the volume of which is invariable)
  • Masse : Mass (Quantity of material measuring scales)
  • Masse volumique : Volumic mass (Mass of the unit of volume)
  • Mélange : Mixture, mix (Which contains several substances.)
  • Mélange homogène : Homogeneous mixture (Blend the different constituents of which they cannot differentiate in the bare eye)
  • mélange hétérogène : Heterogeneous mixture (Blend two constituents of which they can differentiate at least in the bare eye)
  • Mélange réfrigérant : freezing mixture (Mixture of ice and certain substances, for instance ice and marine salt, which produces a big cold.)
  • Ménisque (le bas du -, le haut du - ) : Meniscus (the foot of-, the top of-) (Surface bent by some liquid in contact with air)
  • Métal : Metal (It is a class of materials. These are elements, drivers of electricity.)
  • Méthane : Methane (Gas used as fuel (city gas) . The molecule has as expression CH4. )
  • Miscible : Mixible (Two liquids are miscible when they form a homogeneous mixture)
  • Moléculaire : Molecular (Which belongs to a molecule)
  • Molécule : Molecule (Grouping of atoms linked between them)
  • Monoxyde de carbone : Carbon monoxide (Scentless, uncolored, very toxic gas. It is produced during incomplete combustion)
  • Motif élémentaire : Elementary motif, basic motif (Party of the graphic presentation of the évolution in the course of the time of a periodical phenomenon)
  • Non miscible : Immiscible (Incapable of being mixed or blended together. Immiscible liquids that are shaken together eventually separate into layers. Oil and water are immiscible)
  • Nuage : Cloud ( A visible body of very fine water droplets or ice particles suspended in the atmosphere at altitudes ranging up to several miles above sea level)
  • Opaque : Opaque (Does not allow any light to pass through)
  • Palier de température : Temperature dwell (Time during which a temperature does not change)
  • Pollué : Polluted (Made unclean or impure; contaminated)
  • Potable : Drinkable (potable) (It can be drunk without any damage to health )
  • Précipité : Precipitate (A solid separated from a solution)
  • Réfrigérant : Condenser (A piece of laboratory glassware used to cool hot vapours or liquids)
  • Recueillir un gaz par déplacement d'eau : Collecting gas over water (Technique for extracting a gas dissolved in a liquid by collecting it in a container previously filled with water : the gas progressively replaces the water in the container)
  • Résidu : Residue (Matter remaining after completion of a chemical or physical process, such as evaporation, combustion, distillation, or filtration.)
  • Rosée : Dew (Droplets of water deposited on grass in the morning due to the condensation of atmospheric moisture)
  • Salin : Saline (Containing salt)
  • Solution saline : Saline solution (Solution containing salt )
  • Saturé : saturated (see saturated solution) (A solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that the solvent can dissolve at a given temperature)
  • Saumure : Brine (Very salty water)
  • Solide : Solid (A state of matter. A substance having a definite shape and volume; one that is neither liquid nor gaseous)
  • Solidification : Solidification (The process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization)
  • Soluté : Solute (A substance that is dissolved in another substance (a solvent), forming a solution)
  • Solution : Solution (The dissolution of a solute into a solvent forms a solution)
  • Solution aqueuse : Aqueous solution (In an aqueous solution the solvent is water)
  • Solution saturée : Saturated solution (A solution in which it is not possible to dissolve more solute)
  • Solvant : Solvent (A substance, usually a liquid, in which another substance is dissolved, forming a solution.)
  • Sublimation : Sublimation (The process of changing from a solid to a gas without passing through an intermediate liquid phase)
  • Sulfate de cuivre anhydre : Anhydrous Copper (II) Sulphate (Grey-white powder used to identify the presence of water in a substance. When water is detected the colour of the powder changes to blue.)
  • Surface libre : Free surface (A boundary between two homogeneous fluids.)
  • Suspension : Suspension (A dispersion of fine solid or liquid particles in a fluid. Particles in a suspension precipitate if the suspension is allowed to stand undisturbed.)
  • Symbole chimique : Chemical Symbol (Letter or group of letters representing a chemical element)
  • Température : Temperature (Physical property that is measured with a thermometer. The unit often employed is the Degree Celsius (°C). The SI unit is the Kelvin (0 °C = 273.16 K))
  • Thermomètre : Thermometer (Device allowing temperature measurement)
  • Transparent : Transparent (A substance or object that allows all the light to pass through.)
  • Trompe à eau : Water aspirator (An instrument or apparatus that utilizes a vacuum to draw up gases or granular materials.)
  • Vapeur d'eau : Steam (Gaseous form of water)
  • Vaporisation : Vaporisation (or vaporization) (Transition from liquid state to gas state)
  • Volume : Volume (The volume of an object is the space that this object occupies)

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