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  • Dietrich, J., Prust, M., Kaiser, J., Gloc, D., & Schulz, J. B. (2018). The role of neuronal mitochondrial metabolism in protection and aging of the auditive system. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10, 417.
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  • Hötting, K., & Röder, B. (2013). Beneficial effects of physical exercise on neuroplasticity and cognition. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(9 Pt B), 2243-2257.
  • Kramer, A. F., Erickson, K. I., & Colcombe, S. J. (2006). Exercise, cognition, and the aging brain. Journal of Applied Physiology, 101(4), 1237-1242.
  • Medina, J., & Tabernero, C. (2002). Neuroplasticity of the adult visual cortex: Lessons from animal models. In Progress in Brain Research (Vol. 138, pp. 141-148). Elsevier.
  • Pusic, A. D., & Kempermann, G. (2019). Exercise-induced hippocampal plasticity: What lies beneath? Neural Plasticity, 2019, 1568387.
  • Sisti, H. M., Glass, A. L., & Shors, T. J. (2007). Neurogenesis and the spacing effect: Learning over time enhances memory and the survival of new neurons. Learning & Memory, 14(5), 368-375.
  • Voss, M. W., Vivar, C., Kramer, A. F., & van Praag, H. (2013). Bridging animal and human models of exercise-induced brain plasticity. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(10), 525-544.
  • Xu, Y., Ku, B., Cui, L., Li, X. M., Barish, P. A., & Foster, T. C. (2007). Oestradiol-induced increase in novel object recognition requires hippocampal NR2B-containing NMDA receptors. The Journal of Physiology, 586(10), 2477-2485.
  • Yau, S. Y., Li, A., & So, K. F. (2014). Involvement of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in learning and forgetting. Neural Plasticity, 2014, 163463.