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Eclogites have been involved in several geodynamic theories. Around 1900, kimberlite studies favoured the idea that eclogite might be abundant in the interior of the Earth. In 1912, Fermor predicted the existence of a dense eclogite-bearing zone in the mantle. This " eclogite layer " hypothesis was still envisaged as late as 1970. The alternative " peridotite " hypothesis became preferred when experimental investigations demonstrated that the gabbro-to-eclogite transition could not coincide with a sharp Mohorovi?i? discontinuity. Before plate tectonics, high-pressure belts were interpreted as remnants of ophiolite-bearing geosynclines, metamorphosed by loading during thrust faulting. After the acceptance of plate tectonics, around 1970, the same high-pressure Alpine-type belts came to be considered as former oceanic crust, transformed into eclogite within subduction zones, and subsequently incorporated into mountain belts. Surprisingly, formation of eclogite in " subsidence " zones (i.e. subduction zones) had already been envisaged as early as 1931 by Holmes, the inventor of a convection-current theory. In the 1980s, many authors tried to apply the model of Alpine-type high-pressure belts to eclogites enclosed within the gneisses of ancient orogens, but the question remains obscure nowadays. Some of these eclogite-facies rocks have been a matter of considerable interest during the last two decades, after the discovery, of coesite and diamond in them. Currently, the debate is focused on the geodynamic mechanisms responsible for the exhumation of such ultra-deep crustal rocks.
Eclogites have been involved in several geodynamic theories. Around 1900, kimberlite studies favoured the idea that eclogite might be abundant in the interior of the Earth. In 1912, Fermor predicted the existence of a dense eclogite-bearing zone in the mantle. This " eclogite layer " hypothesis was still envisaged as late as 1970. The alternative " peridotite " hypothesis became preferred when experimental investigations demonstrated that the gabbro-to-eclogite transition could not coincide with a sharp Mohorovi?i? discontinuity. Before plate tectonics, high-pressure belts were interpreted as remnants of ophiolite-bearing geosynclines, metamorphosed by loading during thrust faulting. After the acceptance of plate tectonics, around 1970, the same high-pressure Alpine-type belts came to be considered as former oceanic crust, transformed into eclogite within subduction zones, and subsequently incorporated into mountain belts. Surprisingly, formation of eclogite in " subsidence " zones (i.e. subduction zones) had already been envisaged as early as 1931 by Holmes, the inventor of a convection-current theory. In the 1980s, many authors tried to apply the model of Alpine-type high-pressure belts to eclogites enclosed within the gneisses of ancient orogens, but the question remains obscure nowadays. Some of these eclogite-facies rocks have been a matter of considerable interest during the last two decades, after the discovery, of coesite and diamond in them. Currently, the debate is focused on the geodynamic mechanisms responsible for the exhumation of such ultra-deep crustal rocks.
* Key-words : history - petrology - metamorphism - geodynamics - XIXth century - XXth century.
history - petrology - metamorphism - geodynamics - XIXth century - XXth century.

Version du 17 mai 2020 à 19:24

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Résumé - Abstract

  • L'article décrit d'une manière explicite la formation d'une roche "l'éclogite" et l'histoire se sa découverte à travers la description de plusieurs chercheurs au fil du temps.
  • C'est un revue historique sur cette roche qui a été la cause de beaucoup de questions à propos de son origine qui s'est avéré métamorphique. La plus part des chercheurs se basent sur les observations pour fonder les théories et les hypothèses concernant l'éclogite.

Blue-circle-target.png Conclusion L'éclogite est une roche qui s'est avérée avoir une sorte de destinée dans l'histoire des sciences géologiques. Pendant deux siècles, son étude a soulevé de nombreuses questions, hypothèses, théories et controverses, qui dans l'ensemble se sont révélées exceptionnellement fructueuses. Comme nous l'avons vu, cette roche fut à l'origine d'importants concepts de la pétrologie endogène, et fut impliquée dans de nombreuses théories géodynamiques. Son histoire nous livre un bon exemple de la valeur et de l'intérêt de la méthode inductive, qui, en science, est fondée sur l'observation précise des faits.

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